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Thread: QUESTION About Vacuuming "TO WASTE"

  1. #1
    PopcornGirl is offline ** No working email address ** Thread Analyst PopcornGirl 0
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    Question QUESTION About Vacuuming "TO WASTE"

    I love this board! I have received so much help already! After payday, I'm going to become a "Lifetime Member."

    Ok, I have a question about vacuuming "to waste:"
    (duh! that's the title of the thread! )

    Is it possible to do this with a cartridge filter?
    My pool store told me "no," but I'm wondering why not? The way my pump/filter is set up is this:
    Intake pipe runs to the pump basket -->Pump-->UP to a faucet (this is how I drain my pool) -->then to the CARTRIDGE FILTER-->then back to the pool.
    If I need to vacuum, couldn't I just turn on the drain-faucet and prevent a LOT of the crud from going to my filter?

    The reason why I ask is that I think my filter is getting really clogged and needs to be cleaned, but I don't want to shut off my pump just yet until I get my chlorine/algae situation under control (see the Easter Egg thread in the pool problems forum).
    It's not at a "dangerous" pressure level, but it's really getting up there and I know, from experience that it NEEDS to be cleaned. I could go a bit longer without cleaning it if I could vacuum up all this dead algae (there's a LOT) but keep it from all ending up in my cartridges. I'm SURE that if I try to vacuum all this up I will have to shut off my pump and clean the filters within a day.
    So, is this possible??? BETTER QUESTION: Is it RECOMMENDED?
    You'd think after 4 years, I'd know the answer, but this situation has never come up. Whenever I've needed to clean the cartridges, I've just shut everything down and soaked them overnight.

  2. #2
    SJohnson is offline Registered+ Thread Analyst SJohnson 0
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    Default Re: QUESTION About Vacuuming "TO WASTE"

    Hello again! The best way to do this is to have a 3-way valve plumbed just before the intake on the filter. A valve here would allow you to switch from water going into the filter to water going to waste . . . Best way is to run a dedicated line from the wast side of the valve to a ditch or runoff area. But, since you have the drain plumbed before the filter, you could open the drain and vacuum, but I'd bet that most of the 'crud' would get into the filter anyway. What size is the drain, by the way? Is it a hose bib connection? The word 'faucet', makes me think that it is . . . If that's the case, then you can count on most going into the filter . . . Sucks, I know, I've the same situation with my filter. I'm ordering a 3-way valve to remedy the situation . . .

    Again, hope this helps!!


  3. #3
    PopcornGirl is offline ** No working email address ** Thread Analyst PopcornGirl 0
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    Default Re: QUESTION About Vacuuming "TO WASTE"

    Thanks, SJ!
    Well, I did it.
    I opened the drain faucet (and it really is just that: a faucet like you would see on the side of your house) and vacuumed and my filter pressure does not appear to have gone up at all, so maybe most of the waste went out of the line.
    I really hope so because I just brushed down the walls again and I will definitely have to repeat this whole process tomorrow!
    Thanks again,

  4. #4
    duraleigh Guest

    Default Re: QUESTION About Vacuuming "TO WASTE"

    Hi, Summer,

    Your dedication to keep your pump running 24/7 is terrific. Again, your willingness to stick with it 'til your water clears shines thru!!

    That said, it would not be a killer if you shut down for several hours to clean your cartridge. Just don't do it IMMEDIATELY after you've added bleach. You could bring your Cl back up to 20ppm (have you heard that before? ), then run the pump for maybe another 20-30 minutes to distribute the Cl and then shut 'er down.

    That's a good idea to vacuum with that valve open. You're gettin there!!

    Dave S.

  5. #5
    PopcornGirl is offline ** No working email address ** Thread Analyst PopcornGirl 0
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    Default Re: QUESTION About Vacuuming "TO WASTE"

    Thanks, Dave! That's good to know.

    I'm really starting to get the hang of this (I love that bleach calculator!)... And you should see my pool... it's starting to look GOOD again!
    I'll post a pic once it's completely clear.

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