I see that no one has replied to your question. Perhaps you could contact the manufacturer. That is what we did, when we realized our new IG vinyl was a little out of level. Best of luck. Webfeet
Hello all:
I've been learning a lot reading all of the questions and answers. Hopefully I didn't miss this answer somewhere. I paid $1,600 to have a reputable installer install our 24' round 52" flat bottom vinyl above ground pool, including excavation, sand, etc. Most quotes were around $1,200 but I wanted a one stop shop with a store front and good references so there could be no finger pointing.
We have a slight slope so that they dug in about 18-24" on the high side. I watched the owner of the pool store use a skid loader to excavate. Things went very quickly for the bulk of the process. Then I noticed that he had a really hard time digging the last few inches because the clay was so hard. Things really slowed down at that point. When he had the whole area withina bout an inch or so, I saw that eventually he just put a little dirt back on the 'low' side, tamped it all down good, added sand and installed the pool (instead of digging that extra inch on the 'high' side). This seemed like a big 'no no' at the time, but I figured he was the expert. Now 3.5 months later I can see the side of the pool they built back up is a good 1" lower than the 'high' side.
We had a smaller all vinyl 12' quickset pool last year on a two or three inch slope and saw what that did to it--it became elliptical and finally collapsed--and we obviously don't want that to happen to this more sturdy and more expensive pool. Does anyone know if 1-1.25" is in an acceptable level of tolerance for a 24' round pool or if I should be concerned?
I see that no one has replied to your question. Perhaps you could contact the manufacturer. That is what we did, when we realized our new IG vinyl was a little out of level. Best of luck. Webfeet
I would have to say go with your instinct on this one, I have seen a few ag installs that are questionable, and eventually, an off level installation will fail... it is just a matter of time, and physics.
I would very quickly act on this, before it gets worse, damages the pool, your property, or God forbid, injure someone.
in the residential and commercial water treatment industry, if you don't have some type of system, get one !!!
'' common sense aint so common"
"to be, or not to be... without beer, that is the question"
Our "easy set" (yeah right, 6 days later) and still working
but, it is a start to a wonderfull "pool owner lifestyle"
upgrade is already planned... so don't laugh at it, its our first, and not the last!
1" is definitely acceptable, however, for your peace of mind and because of what you allready mentioned above, talk to the pool store / builder, put it in writing so you can have something to go back on and then wait it out over the winter, frost will do your final settling and you will be able to make your decision come spring time.
I don't think you have much of anything to worry about, it doesn't sound like they built it up much on the low end.
I built an entire 1.5 foot high pad for my pool using fill because of potential flooding issues where my pool sits, however, I let that settle over the winter before I prepped it for the pool - makes a difference.