Re: Scale, Scale, Scale!
I realize you're looking to get rid of the scale, close up the pool and move on to enjoying fall in the Upper Midwest.
While it may seem silly to get a testing kit now (in the fall, in the Midwest) when you've been utilizing the pool store all summer, it's really the best way to solve your problem. Scale definitely means that something is out of whack with your pool water. A testing kit of your own will enable you to test as often as necessary while you're solving this problem and will save you some money on gas for trips to the pool store.
Then, once the scale is gone, you can close it up and hopefully not have to buy a new liner.
If we get a full set of test results from you, we can make sure any advice given doesn't create a different problem for you - and it sounds like you've had your share this summer.
15,600 gallon, screened 15x30 IG plaster sport pool with 6x8 tanning area, Aquarite SWCG, Hayward cartridge filter, Polaris 280 cleaner