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Thread: Moved: posts by CYNLYS

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2006

    Default Re: HOWTO: Lowering Your Alkalinity

    I am a newbie to this site. This is my first post so please forgive me if I goof it up. I keep seeing refernces to test kits that supply results in ppm. I am using a Biogard test kit that reads off a scale fighting a never ending battle against an algae that exists in crystal clear water with perfect comparison scale of test kit. Limited use of pool. Inground, 18,500 gal, vinyl, all values on test kit are perfect and the CYA is 150. Any help


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2006

    Default Re: HOWTO: Lowering Your Alkalinity

    Quote Originally Posted by cynlys
    I am a newbie to this site. This is my first post so please forgive me if I goof it up.
    Hi cynlys-
    No need to apologize. Everyone here was new to pools and the forum at one point, too. Let's get you heading in the right direction. Repost your question in the "Testing and adjusting pool chemistry" section (2 lines up from this one). Right now you're in the Alkalinity and Calcium sub-forum.

    Here's a good thread to check out to help get you up to speed.

  3. #3
    waste is offline PF Support Team Whizbang Spinner waste 3 stars waste 3 stars waste 3 stars
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    Smile Re: HOWTO: Lowering Your Alkalinity

    Quote Originally Posted by cynlys
    I am a newbie to this site. This is my first post so please forgive me if I goof it up. I keep seeing refernces to test kits that supply results in ppm. I am using a Biogard test kit that reads off a scale fighting a never ending battle against an algae that exists in crystal clear water with perfect comparison scale of test kit. Limited use of pool. Inground, 18,500 gal, vinyl, all values on test kit are perfect and the CYA is 150. Any help

    Welcome to the forum! As Donna's PB pointed out, don't sweat 'goofing up', we all understand
    The link that D'sPB gave you was indeed an excellent place to start, it helps define the terms we'll be using. I would also suggest looking up all the 'Stickies' (located at the top of every section) they are the 'core' of what's discussed in the section and going to the 'mother site' www.poolsolutions.com and giving that a good readthrough as that will really let you know where we all got our start.
    However, you have a problem now and might not have the time for all that reading so, here's some interim help:
    I assume that you are using 'trichlor' slow disolve chlorinating pucks in a feeder - stop using them, like yesterday - they are adding too much cya to your water (and if your pH is in the OK range, you're probably using a lot of 'pH UP' to keep it there). Until you have a chance to do the reading about what's going on, use unscented laundry bleach to add chlorine to the pool, my calculations say to add 8 gallons of 6% bleach to get to ~ 25ppm. This is your 'shock' level to kill the algae (according to Ben's Best Guess chart - stickied at the top of the "using chlorine..." section of the forum). Your big problem is that with a cya of 150, the 'action' of the chlorine, it's ability to kill and sanitize, is GREATLY reduced (full explainations of this are throughout the chlorine section), so you need to overcome the cya's interference. If you go to Walmart to get the 8gals, better just buy a case or 2, the 25 ppm level of chlorine needs to be maintained for a few days (but 8 gals isn't neccesary every day!)
    The determinant of when to stop keeping the water at ~25 ppm is the combined chlorine test (which, unfortunately, you might not have on your test kit ) .
    I can't possibly cover all you need to know in one post, so please do the advised reading and add the 8 gal of 6% bleach. As you become more familiar with 'the way' we do things here, you'll understand why I'm ending my advice for now. Throughout the forum there are posts that say "Holy &^*%, this really does work, our water has never been better and the neighbors are soo jealous"
    Again, welcome to the forum, I realise that everything seems a little intimidating (especially adding 8 gal bleach) but it's always 'weird' trying something new, no one here will purposely give you advice that might harm you nor your pool.

    ps. I'm going to see if one of the moderators will move this to it's own thread in the chlorine section. - Waste (if you need more info, feel free to ask!)
    Luv & Luk, Ted

    Having done construction and service for 4 pool companies in 4 states starting in 1988, what I know about pools could fill a couple of books - what I don't know could fill libraries

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