The only form I've ever seen is granular...where are you getting liquid and tablets?
Has anyone dealt with the CYA tablets? All I have had dealings with is the liquid. Found a place that sells the tablets but Im not sure how to use them. Can anyone help??
The only form I've ever seen is granular...where are you getting liquid and tablets?
The liquid I was talking about came with my testing kit. I ran out there was only enough for 2 tests.
The tablets I got at a pool store, it says you crush them and add to pool water. What I didnt understand was that it said to neutralize the chlorine water(I am assuming it meant the pool water) and then you add the crushed tablet to it. Then pour it into the tube with the black dot. But I am not sure.
Any suggestions? Oh and the tabs are from Bio Lab.
Sorry....I assumed you meant CYA......not reagent.
The tablets are Cyanuric Acid test tablets. That is what Ive never dealt with. Have you? If so do you know how to use them?
I'm sorry but I've only dealt with the Melamine liquid in the test kits -- mixing 7 ml of pool water with 7 ml of CYA reagent (melamine) and measuring turbidity through the calibrated tube to see when the black dot vanishes.
I'm going to take a wild stab at this, but if the tablets are just solid melamine or even solid sodium acetate, then you would crush them up in distilled water (though tap water would probably be OK since it doesn't have CYA in it) and would then mix equal parts of this with your pool water (where you neutralize your pool water first by mixing it with a couple of drops of sodium thiosulfate) and then use the calibrated tube to measure CYA. It doesn't really matter how many tablets you use so long as it is enough to combine with all of the CYA you have. So to be safe, you can try crushing up more than one. Of course, if you do all of this and you come up with a crazy number inconsistent with what you measured before, then I was wrong.
It worked!!! I crushed the CYA tablets in distilled water, then added straight pool water , mixed up and poured in vial with the black dot. The bad news is my CYA is still high at 120. I am going to try it by neutralizing the pool water so will let you know if that changes anything.