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Thread: Who makes Tahitian Pools & are they good

  1. #1
    Aranon is offline Registered+ Thread Analyst Aranon 0
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    Apr 2006

    Default Who makes Tahitian Pools & are they good

    I am looking at a 18' x 40' Tahitian pool thats resin/metal and 54" high with a 60 year lim. warr and life time warranty on the frame, but I can't find out who makes it. Three different websites that sell them all say someone else make them. One says it's Sharkline, but go to their website and not only don't they have it, they don't even have a 54" high pool or 60 year warr.

    Another says Atlantic makes it, I even called one dealer and he said Atlantic make it, but go to their web site and you can't find it. Another site says Cantar makes it but can't find it either. So who makes it. All the ads are the same from about eight differerent sites and they all say it's their best pool. Even Monkey Wards sells it. But I can not find out who makes it. Please help.

    Also does anyone have one or know about them. I like the Stainless steel panel, the warranty, the Resin frame and thats its 54" high. Please help me. I want to buy it now but worried I can't find the manufacturer.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2005

    Default Re: Who makes Tahitian Pools & are they good

    Sharkline does make a 54" pool with a 60 year warranty, it is called the "oceanic". I have one being installed this Thursday. I didn't see it on their website, but if you google or yahoo it, you will find a few dealers with info on it.

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