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Thread: Are we finished?

  1. #1
    KatieD is offline ** No working email address ** KatieD 0
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    Default Are we finished?

    Since we only have the Walmart test kit it's hard to feel secure that we're finished with our conversion. Our water's been perfectly clear for two days running, and both morning's test shows very high chlorine levels, but not quite reliably 15ppm. Considering that we're diluting water and only approximating, and given the clarity of the water, I'm hoping that we can assume that we're finished? Is that safe? What will happen if we stop hyperchlorinating and we're not quite rid of the bacquacil?

    Also, we've been assured by posters here that we do need to change our filter sand again, even though it was brand new when we started the conversion. Our pool company says no, we don't, and how's that for a tricky dilemma, considering that we'd be paying them to change the sand again?

    We never did see much muck. We had a lot of floating scum, but there's not much of anything on the pool bottom right now, and we haven't vacuumed since before converting.

    Naturally, we do want to believe that we don't have to change the sand, but we also don't want to end up back where we started, so could someone explain to us why it's always necessary to change the sand after conversion?

    Is it at all possible that we don't need to change? What will happen if we don't?

    Sorry to ask so many questions. I did try reading through the threads for answers, but didn't find any to these!

  2. #2
    ILHoz Guest

    Default Re: Are we finished?

    We just went through the conversion a few weeks ago. Our pool store and everyone on this forum said to change our sand (my husband wasn't very happy, we had just put new sand in our filter.) When we changed it a bunch of baqua junk was in the sand. We were very happy we changed it (even my husband) we dont know if all of that junk would have caused problems or not but it wasn't worth the risk. Our pool has never been better.

    Good Luck!

  3. #3
    stma is offline Registered+ Thread Analyst stma 0
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    Default Re: Are we finished?

    Katie....First up: CONGRATS on freeing yourself of the Baquacil product !! I did the same two years ago and have saved literally thousands of $$$$.

    If I remember correctly, I believe I kept high levels for 4-5 days AFTER my overnite chlorine loss subsided....plus, with the amount of bleach you've gone through already, whats another few gallons to be on the safe side...

    DEFINITELY change out your sand....the Baq. residual that was trapped in my sand was astounding....again, not really a huge expense to purchase another bag or two....(just think of the $$ you spent on Baq Sanitizer alone)!!!

    FYI: If the pool store says don't change....that really means DO change !!!!....

    Congrats again....you'll never look back !

  4. #4
    KatieD is offline ** No working email address ** KatieD 0
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    Default Re: Are we finished?

    Thanks for the encouraging words, stma! We are delighted too, it's been a treat to not wake up to the dread of "what weird color is the pool today?" So far, we're clear, blue, and holding!

    We still haven't changed the sand though, and I'm thinking that we probably won't until next summer, since everything is working fine and the season is almost over.

    I know what you're saying about the pool company, but at the same time, I can't figure out why they'd recommend us to NOT spend more money! They've been pretty good actually. They have also convinced most of their customers to convert from Baquacil, and I'm sure that's true because they barely stock much any longer, as opposed to two years ago when half of their floor space was devoted to it.

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Are we finished?

    I agree that you'll need to change your sand. I had new sand in my filter when I did the conversion. I too waited till the end of the summer and changed the sand after we drained the filter for the season. There were marble sized clumps of some gummy green/black stuff mixed throughout the sand. No more time than you have left in the season, I'd probably wait too, but definetely do it before you start up next year.

    Congratulations on the conversion! I can now run my pool for 4 months using bleach & stablizer for what it cost me to just use Clear Comfort for 3 weeks...though I'm more happy about having clear water all the time now.

  6. #6
    KatieD is offline ** No working email address ** KatieD 0
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    Smile Re: Are we finished?

    Quote Originally Posted by Gracie
    There were marble sized clumps of some gummy green/black stuff mixed throughout the sand.
    Ok, but at the risk of sounding really lazy and stupid.....if the filter is working and the water is clear, why is that a problem? It's not that I don't want to change the sand as much as I'm curious about the answer to that.

    Congratulations on the conversion! I can now run my pool for 4 months using bleach & stablizer for what it cost me to just use Clear Comfort for 3 weeks...though I'm more happy about having clear water all the time now.
    Thanks so much, Gracie! It's hard for me to say what I'm more happy about, the savings, the beautiful water, or the ease of maintenance! I spent the better part of this summer sweeping stinky algae out of a funky pool that I wouldn't dream of setting foot in! Now all we really need is a two week long hot spell so I can finish enjoying my newly gorgeous pool!

  7. #7
    RavenNS is offline Established User Weir Watcher RavenNS Not to be trusted
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    Default Re: Are we finished?

    when you do decide to change the sand ( & it sounds like most convertors here are recommending that change), consider refilling with a Zeobrite product instead of sand

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