I hope someone can help me.... I have a Jandy Ray Vac cleaner for about 5 years and works great.. very pleased. The other day, the nose wheel was off. I checked it out and noticed it was missing an E Retainer Ring at the top. Well, not thinking, went and purchased one at Home Depot for 20 cents and worked great, but since I do leave the pool cleaner in the water the whole time, it ended up rusting after a month or so.

I don't like the idea of it rusting and leaving metals in the pool so I have been on the lookout for something maybe stainless. Checking out the pool websites, I can fine the E Ring but it is about $8.50 plus another $9.00 to ship. Not to sound too cheap, but $20 seems high for an E Ring Clip.

My question is does anyone know where I could possibly pick up one to keep the wheel on without being raped in the process ?? I find it hard to pay $20 for a clip that they sell for 20 cents. Anyway around paying the $20??

Thanks in advance for any help !!

Rock G in SC