well, I'm pretty new to pool ownership and maintenance, but our pool (and the house that goes with it) is pretty old so I've been learning a lot about DIY repairing instead of paying others to do stuff. Anyway, I have a DE filter with a multiport valve that was leaking pretty bad - the pressurized water from the pump was going straight through to the backwash hose. I took off the top of the valve pulled out the gasket and took them to the local pool supply. (what ever was used to hold in the old gasket was pretty hard to get out so I did the best I could with out scraping up the plastic). The guy there told me to put in the new gasket with contact cement - It's a little hard to work with because it gets clumpy and it's hard to get it just in the ridges that hold the gasket. Anyway following the directoins on the bottle - apply to both surfaces wait at least 15 min no longer than 2 hours attach the parts - I put in the new gasket and replaced the cover. The cover had 8 screws on it so I just did them like the lug nuts on a car, in two sets of four - pick the first one, go in about 1/2 way go directly across and do that one about 1/2 way, then pick the set 90 deg. from those two and put them in. Then do the other set of four with the same pattern going just barly snug. Then do the original 4 tight then check the 2nd set to make sure they were tight. It seems that everything worked ok. However that was only a month ago, and since we're about to have the copeing and tile redone and their going to drain the pool I just turned the pump to save the electricity and chemicals etc for the last 3 weeks or so.
It doesn't seem to be that hard to just replace the gasket.
just some thoughts.