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Thread: Help.....Im in conversion confusion

  1. #21
    duraleigh Guest

    Default Re: Help.....Im in conversion confusion


    I'm pretty sure I read something Ben posted on the old forum years ago. I can only paraphrase but it went something like this:

    "Remember, the condition you are trying to correct took months, sometimes years, of misinformation or neglect to get where you are. It is unrealistic to expect to resolve that condition in 24-48 hours. The methods used on this forum WILL (normally) correct your pool but you must be willing to adhere to the principles involved and exhibit a great deal of patience (POP)"

    That advice is viable for literally ever single person who posts here with water issues. Keep the faith, Stay the course, Test and dose accurately (I cannot stress that enough) and your pool will clear......not as fast as you want, but as fast as it can be done.

    Pooldoc, if I have only imagined that past advice, my apologies. It's something that has stuck in my brain for years and I may have totally lost track of it's origin.

  2. #22
    duraleigh Guest

    Default Re: Help.....Im in conversion confusion

    Just saw your last post. Focus on chlorine. your Alk is fine. leave the borax alone for now. Read the stickys at the top of each forum. download bleachcalc.

  3. #23
    KatieD is offline ** No working email address ** KatieD 0
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    Red face Re: Help.....Im in conversion confusion

    Hello Friends!

    I'm a newbie who found this forum by searching on my many Baquacil problems. Due to an out of control yellow algae outbreak we're converting to chlorine using instructions from our pool company. I can already hear the groans, having been reading here for awhile now!

    I have a few questions, if anyone would be kind and patient enough to go over this same ground yet again!

    Ok, my pool is 25,000 in-ground vinyl. We just traded out Zeobrite for sand in our Hayward filter in hopes that the change would help with the algae problem, which it didn't, so now we're converting.

    The pool company sold us a product called GLB X-change, which we broadcast into the pool and we're now on our second 3" chlorine tablet. We began this on Friday PM.

    There is very little noticable change. The water was already a neon green due to the algae build-up. It's gotten a tiny bit lighter, but barely. We cannot see the bottom on the deep end and the water is fairly cloudy. The algae is still flourishing. We've been sweeping every day, and the algae is right back again.

    There is no noticable change in filter pressure, although we are backwashing once a day anyway.

    We haven't had the water tested again, but a baquacil test strip shows our sanitizer level to be very low, ph about 7.5 and alkalinity about 120. I know these strips to be unreliable, however. Pool company wants to test once this second tablet is dissolved, which will be tomorrow it seems.

    Naturally, having read these forums, I'd like to go with bleach at this point. I'm getting the sense that we'll be at this forever if we continue with the pool co program. I'm sure though, that they won't do our water testing for us once they know we're going this on our own. I have ordered a chlorine test kit from pool solutions, but I probably need something more comprehensive, if I'm reading correctly. I'm not sure when that will arrive, I ordered on Saturday.

    OK, here are my specific questions:

    What pool test equipment should we have before beginning to add bleach?

    Will the bleach get rid of the algae, or are we going to have to deal with that separately?

    Will we need to replace the sand in our filter once the conversion is complete? The sand is right now less than one week old.

    Is it safe to go in the pool during the conversion?

    Thanks so much to anyone who can answer these questions!

  4. #24
    duraleigh Guest

    Default Re: Help.....Im in conversion confusion


    Switching to bleach (chlorine) will cure all your troubles at once. Yes, you'll need to change the sand again.

    Email pooldoc right away and ask him to change your order to the PS234 kit....it's all you ever need for years to come.

    You can probably swim in the pool during conversion if you want. It's liable to be all sorts of nasty colors for a few days and the cl level will be pretty high....I don't think I'd want to.

    Read all the sticky's at the top of each forum.....that'll answer a bunch of questions for you.

    Start your own thread with your next set of questions....you'll get much better response.
    Last edited by duraleigh; 07-31-2006 at 02:05 PM.

  5. #25
    KatieD is offline ** No working email address ** KatieD 0
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    Default Re: Help.....Im in conversion confusion

    Thanks for the feedback Dave, and I will start another thread as suggested.

  6. #26
    Join Date
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    Angry Re: Help.....Im in conversion confusion

    Saturation index -.64
    Total dissolved solids 0
    Free Chlorine 1.9
    Total chlorine 2.0
    Combined Chlor. .1
    PH 7.1
    Cyanuric Acid 29
    Copper 0
    Iron 0
    Total Alkalinity 82
    Adjusted Alk. 82
    Calcium Hardness 180

    added 6.8 gal of Bleach tonight......using what I got from pool store(readings above). and bleach calc.... If anyone has any helpful info other than buy a better test kit- I would appreciate it. I am starting to think I would have spent less draining pool and adding water back..

  7. #27
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Help.....Im in conversion confusion

    Morning again, pool still murky, maybe a bit clear on top layer first 8 inches or so,,,I did put some chlorinating tablets in skimmer last night in addidtion to the jugs of bleach.Anyway, going to clean cart. of baquapoodoo. trying to keep the faith....Is there anybody out there?

  8. #28
    aylad's Avatar
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    Default Re: Help.....Im in conversion confusion

    In order to complete the conversion, you're going to have to get the chlorine up there and KEEP IT THERE--if you're only adding Cl once a day, it's going to take a long, long, long time before your conversion is complete. I suggest testing and adding more Cl a minimum of 2-3 times daily....those on this forum who have converted in 2-3 days were able to test/add every 2-3 hours or so. We're out here....unfortunately, you're the one at poolside, so the best we can do is give you encouragement. It will happen, but you've got to put the effort (and the bleach) into it.


  9. #29
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    Cool Re: Help.....Im in conversion confusion

    Well I am happy to inform you that my pool is clearing.....I added some baking soda with approx 8 gal of chl. last night. This morning a little more baking soda and by this afternoon ......I can see the bottom......was it the baking soda? was it the chlorine? was it the tricky way I poured the bleach in the skimmer? I really have no idea....was it the combination of the three actions....I would say it finally gave in to the bleach butt kicking it was getting. I am very happy.......

    I really am excited about seeing the bottom. And I have 8 more bottles of Ultra.....My reading this afternoon was 8 so I will use calc....I do have alot of tablets in the skimmer too......

    Pool still stinks of bleach....How long will this last and what do I do now?

  10. #30
    aylad's Avatar
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    Default Re: Help.....Im in conversion confusion

    The bleach is finally working---yay!! What you're smelling is chloramines, which is the Baq being oxidized by the chlorine. The answer? more chlorine! Keep hitting it and stay at 10-15, and the pool WILL clear. I wouldn't add any more baking soda or anything else right now except the bleach.

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