Just a word of caution about teki torches. I had a few lashed to my deck. I started with 4 metal tanks and bought 6 from Walmart that had plastic tanks. Monday night the boys and I had taken a night swim under the stars and with the torches aglow. After about 30 minutes I raised my head out of the water hearing a muffled boom. One of the plastic tanked torches had exploded on the far end of the deck away from the pool. The boys heard me scream “OH #$@” and head for the ladder. The oldest said I out of the pool not even hitting the steps, ran past the fire, turned on the hose, grabbed for the end of the hose, made it half way back to the pool and was stopped dead in my tracks. Dawn (future wife) had parked her jeep on the hose. This whole time I am wet barefoot on coarse gravel (ouch) and jerking on my hose (no wise cracks) yelling at the boys to grab a fire extinguisher. The boys are standing there with panic on their faces and the youngest yells “FIRE”. Little late I think as I duck in the house and grab a mixing bowl. I run back out side across the gravel (*&%$) to the pool and dip bowl back across gravel (^&%^) and toss on fire. After a few trips more from pool across gravel (@#%$) to the deck the fire is out. All the commotion wakes Dawn up who comes strolling out and ask what is the smell? The next morning after Dawn left for work I went out and grabbed the hose curled it up so she can’t park the jeep on it again and removed the torches. So now I have about 3 foot of railing to replace due to the fire. I will post pics tomorrow if any one wants to see them.