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Thread: Cya ???

  1. #1
    slowtan is offline ** No working email address ** slowtan 0
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    Default Cya ???

    My initial reading this year was over 100+ . When I started filling the little tube, I would be less than 1/4 inch and the black dot was gone.

    I took my water to the pool store and they said drain half the pool about 1 foot below my return. That is the same advice I have been reading on this site so I did it. Pool store let me borrow a sump pump for free so why not. Returned the pump today and the owner I normally talk to was not there. Another guy tested my water and it was at 150 when he tested it.

    Does the old water/new water take a while to mix or the CYA take a while to come down after a partial drain?? I finished adding the water Sunday morning and was testing it by Monday afternoon. How long do I need to wait or am I going to need to drain the pool again??

    All other levels were good except alkalinity (15 ppm) but my main concern was CYA as I can fix everything else.


  2. #2
    ScottS is offline Registered+ Thread Analyst ScottS 0
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    I don't trust pool store results. You stated that you originally tested and the dot dissapeared quickly. Do this test again and see if there is a difference.

    I am also betting that you will need to drain off more than the amount that you did with such a hihg CYA level.

    Did you run the pump/filter during and after the partial refill?

  3. #3
    slowtan is offline ** No working email address ** slowtan 0
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    I am low on solution and had to return the sump pump hence why I had the pool store run the test for me.

    my pump/filter runs for about 6 hours a day right now because it is not hot so it only ran for a couple hours today and was still running when I got the sample for the pool store.

    I am hoping that running the pumps will help solve my problem as maybe it didn't mix too well. I didn't want to take more than half out because I didn't want liner issue's either.


  4. #4
    ScottS is offline Registered+ Thread Analyst ScottS 0
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    If you do need to remove more water you can siphon a garden hose. While this method is not as fast as the pump it gives you another method and keeps you away from the pool store

    I understand you concern regarding your liner. I'd be more comfortable running higher CYA/CL levels and letting the CYA level come down with backwashing and partial refills instead of ruining the liner. However if your CYA level is still off the charts it would be beneficial to drain off more water again. This process alone will eventually get your CYA lower granted you don't add any CYA or stabilized tabs to the water.

    Let us know what your level is after it is tested again.

    Take care.

  5. #5
    slowtan is offline ** No working email address ** slowtan 0
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    I am going to test it on Friday. I figure that should give it more than enough time to mix together and come down if it is going to come down. If it doesn't come down or not down enough. I will drain again this weekend. I was actually hoping of jumping in the pool instead of the pool water jumping out

  6. #6
    slowtan is offline ** No working email address ** slowtan 0
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    I retested it today and I was a milimeter below the 100 so it is definately alot better than when I started but not in range.

    I also tested my tap water to make sure that wasn't the problem and it was at 0.

    I am going to start a syphon when I get home this morning see how fast that goes. I am hoping by this afternoon that it will at least be close to the return but who knows.


  7. #7
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    I have had the same problem... I just connect my vacuum up...put the filter on "pump to waste"....and clean the bottom while I pump water into the vacent field next door...

  8. #8
    slowtan is offline ** No working email address ** slowtan 0
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    Quote Originally Posted by JMCFAN
    I have had the same problem... I just connect my vacuum up...put the filter on "pump to waste"....and clean the bottom while I pump water into the vacent field next door...

    Wish I thought of that but now the water is below the skimmer so I can't do that. I am having a hard time starting a syphon with the 2" hose. I started one this morning with the syphon that goes on the top of my winter cover. It is real slow as it only has a 1/4" hose. This may be a 2 day process for me.

  9. #9
    ScottS is offline Registered+ Thread Analyst ScottS 0
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    You seem to be on the right track and fortunately your CYA level did not register as high as you thought it was.

    It will take sometime but you will get there.

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