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Thread: Beginning the Bacuacil converson

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2006

    Default Beginning the Baquacil conversion

    I am getting ready to start the conversion to the BBB system. I've read somewhere about a sock for the filter, but I can't find that post now. What am I supposed to do with the sock? And wish me luck!
    Last edited by clayw1963; 07-14-2006 at 02:27 PM.

  2. #2
    prh129 is offline Lifetime Member Widget Weaver prh129 0
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    Default Re: Beginning the Bacuacil converson

    Offhand, I can think of two uses involving a sock - one is a "scum sock" which is made to fit over your skimmer basket that catches smaller debris - this is probably what you're thinking of. You can buy these online or at a pool supply store. This just reduces the amount of crap that goes to the filter. Make sure to rinse this out frequently as it will catch a lot of crap.

    The other use is for dissolving chlorine stabilizer - this would use any old sock but you wouldn't need to worry about this until after your conversion is complete. For now, make sure you have the bleach calc program and a good drops-based test kit.

    If you need it, the bleach calc program is here:


    Good luck!


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2006

    Default Re: Beginning the Bacuacil converson

    well, day 2 of my conversion. Thanks to everyone for the pictures, I must be doing something right....my pool looks like everyone elses that has converted.
    And everyone is right, it takes a lot of bleach. It took me a while to even get a reading!
    Will continue to keep everyone posted.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2006

    Default conversion complete????

    I started converting my pool Thursday afternoon around 3pm. By Saturday evening I had a clear pool with a lot of goo on the bottom. I cleaned that up, still keeping the chlorine level up to 15. Sunday morning there was a small amount of goo. Chlorine level 9 on Sunday morning. I brought the level up to 14 last night, this morning, the level was at 10 and there was still a very small amount of goo on the bottom.
    Do you think the conversion is complete, even though the pool will not hold at 14 or 15 overnight. The water is clearer than it has ever been and the pressure has been steady for the past 2 days.
    I also want to add that this is the hottest weather we have had all summer (wouldn't you know that is when I would decide to convert) it has been in the high 90's and at night the temp only drops to 80.
    Just wondered if everyone thinks is is safe to change out my cartridge filter and balance my water. I have only been checking my chlorine levels during the conversion.

    I have an ag 24' about 14,000 gallons. This is a great site, and I am so happy to finally have a clear pool!!!

  5. #5
    duraleigh Guest

    Default Re: Beginning the Bacuacil converson

    I'd stick with it a while longer. AS long as you're consuming overnite chlorine, your still fighting organics. Maybe another 24 - 48 hours will show even more improvement and it'll be time to change the cartridge. Good Work!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2006

    Default Re: Beginning the Bacuacil converson

    Just wanted to thank everyone for this website and the helpful advice. The pool is holding chlorine and has NEVER looked better.
    I have been working with a cheap drops test kit and have ordered Ben's kit hope to have it soon.
    These are my first set of test results, just want to make sure I am on the right track.

    CYA 15 ppm (just added yesterday, understand it can take up to 5 days for a true reading)
    TC 3.0 ppm
    FC 3.0 ppm
    Alkalinity 90ppm
    Ph 7.2 (had a hard time matching the color on this)?
    (I believe I read that they CYA can change both Alkalinity and PH levels, so as it goes up those readings may go up too)
    Hardness 200ppm

    Am I on the right track? I know I should aim for 30-50ppm for CYA, that means 3-5ppm for Chlorine.
    What other levels am I trying to get to?

    24' ag 14000gallons cartridge filter

  7. #7
    duraleigh Guest

    Default Re: Beginning the Bacuacil converson


    You're there! pH (which will read easier with practice) is fine, Alk is fine, and Caclium, although irrelevant in a vinyl pool, is fine, too.

    Your CYA target and Cl target are on the money....enjoy your "new" pool.

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