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Thread: First time PS234 Test Results

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2006

    Wink First time PS234 Test Results

    Just got my new kit last week.

    FC 4.5
    CC 0.25 (one drop)
    TA 110
    CYA 40
    CH 150

    My results were pretty close to the pool store results. I spent the last 4 weeks reducing my CYA from 150 (pool store test). Started BBB method about 3 wks ago.

    I have a 20,000 IG vinyl pool in Maryland. This is the cleanest my pool ever looked. I'm slowing using my Frog Trichlor cartridges up trying not to raise my CYA any higher. As long as we have rain and I get to backwash/drain 2x a week the CYA has been stable for 2 wks going.

  2. #2
    duraleigh Guest

    Default Re: First time PS234 Test Results

    Good numbers....Nice work!

    You didn't post pH but I'll bet you're somewhere in the mid-low 7's.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2006

    Default Re: First time PS234 Test Results

    Yes, I am pleased. pH stays around 7.5. About once a week it edges up to 7.8 ish, and then I add 32 oz muratic acid to get it down.

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