NOTE: I've moved this thread to this forum so that there is an easy access to adding DE to Sand filters. It's not a PERFECT thread on "how-to" but it will tell you how. I'm add these instructions at the top of the originating post by The Raddish.
CarlD, Moderator.
Here's how I do it:
1) Backwash your filter. Note the pressure it's running with.
2) mix about 1/3 of a cup of DE into a few gallons of pool water.
3) pour the mix slowly into your skimmer while the pump is running. If it's a 2-speed, use low speed.
4) WAIT about 20 minutes and see if the pressure rises. If it does you want it to rise about 1 lb.
5) If the pressure doesn't rise, or rises less than 1 lb, repeat steps 2), 3) and 4).
6) If the pressure has risen 1 lb, you are done. (frankly if it goes up 2 lbs, I'm OK with that. ) A 1 lb rise is your target.
7) If it goes up 5 lbs or more, backwash and start again, but use less DE.
That's it! Everytime you backwash you have to do this again, but once you know how much DE to use, you'll just add that much.
I hope this helps.
I keep reading about people adding DE to their sand filters to help with the really small particulates that accumulate into the pool. I've already started using a skimmer sock and that has helped tremendously, but I'm thinking maybe a bit of DE would help even more.
How to do you add it? Do I need to remove the multivalve from the filter (something I DON'T want to do), or can I just add some into the skimmer? If I have to remove the multivalve, I guess I'll just pass on the idea, as plumbing hassles will abound.