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Thread: Beautiful pool water turning blond hair green!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2013

    Default Beautiful pool water turning blond hair green!

    The pool is beautiful. No stains or signs of metal, though what I've read says that maybe copper is present in the water. I don't know how to test that.
    Salt Water Pool - Salt registering at 2900
    FC - 3 But it turns light gray not clear
    CC - 0 as best I can tell (the gray water doesn't turn back to pink)
    PH - 8
    AlC - 125
    CalH - 50
    CYA - 60
    Water temp is about 80
    23000 gallons

    I'm not sure what to do with this. I've never had this issue. Any suggestions?
    PF=5; 23K gal IG kidney vinyl pool, Triton II Sand Filter, Whisperflow VS Pump, Taylor 2006 kit, Jacuzzi/Carvin Saniclear 40 SWCG

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2013

    Default Re: Beautiful pool water turning blond hair green!

    Reading a little more on the forum...something had to dump the copper into the pool. The pump motor was corroded and we had to replace it this season. Could that have been going on late in the season last year and caused the metal in the water? We closed for the winter and reopened with a new motor. Should I get a copper test kit to see what the level is and what is a safe level of metal. I read that you have to drain to get rid of it. Can we not use a metal out product?
    PF=5; 23K gal IG kidney vinyl pool, Triton II Sand Filter, Whisperflow VS Pump, Taylor 2006 kit, Jacuzzi/Carvin Saniclear 40 SWCG

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2013

    Default Re: Beautiful pool water turning blond hair green!

    I don't have any stains in the pool. The only problem is that my precious grand daughter's blond hair has green highlights when she swims. The calcium hardness was very low. I did bring it up to 200. I ordered a copper test kit. It should arrive today. I also ordered some metal out. After reading the directions on that, I'm not sure I should use it. I want to make sure that is will not harm my salt system. It really isn't clear as to how it works on the bottle. Anyone have experience with this kind of product in a salt system pool?
    PF=5; 23K gal IG kidney vinyl pool, Triton II Sand Filter, Whisperflow VS Pump, Taylor 2006 kit, Jacuzzi/Carvin Saniclear 40 SWCG

  4. #4
    waterbear's Avatar
    waterbear is offline Lifetime Member Sniggle Mechanic waterbear 4 stars waterbear 4 stars waterbear 4 stars waterbear 4 stars
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    Default Re: Beautiful pool water turning blond hair green!

    to get rid of the green in her hair mix 2 tables spoons of photographers hypo (sodium thiosulfate, available online from many retailers, including walmart and amazon and sometimes sold in pool stores as 'chlorine neutralizer') and 2 teaspoons of citric acid (Sometimes available in the grocery spice section as 'sour salt or with the home canning supplies) a cup of warm water and pour through the damp hair. Let sit until green is gone (usually less than a minute). Rinse well, shampoo twice, and then condition. Besides knowing a lot about pool chemistry I am still licenced as both a cosmetologist and barber and worked many years as a colorist so getting rid of copper green hair is something I've done often!
    Retired pool store and commercial pool maintenance guy.

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