I don't know if that's a good price for the bare pool or not. But plan on $400-$600 for the pump/filter, and you'll want a safe ladder.
On the pump and filter: Be absolutely certain that the filter's capacity is greater than the pump's, or it won't filter properly. Don't be scammed into a too-big pump. HP in pumps isn't nearly as valuable as it is in cars. They burn more electric and don't give you any improvement. I'd look for about a 3/4hp pump, no more than a 1hp uprated pump. If you MUST get a 1hp full-rated pump, you'll need at least a 200# sand filter or equiv size/capacity cartridge or DE filter.
But the BIGGEST caveat I can give you is GROUND PREPARATION! That's where costs skyrocket, issues crop up, and, if not done correctly, your pool can collapse. You must have a level and solid surface for your pool. I don't even want to TELL you what I spent on that as I had to move sprinkler lines AND build a 20'x44' platform that is 2' 6" high at one corner so I could build the pool into the deck.