Was it leaking before the pool was resurfaced?
If so, then your 'new' leak is just your old leak. Pool owners often think refinishing a pool will solve leak problems. Unfortunately, this is usually not the case . . . and even when it is, the leaks (which often involve cracks in the underlying shell), the leaks will often reappear, once the pool goes through seasonal temperature cycling (which causes the cracks to move, and then crack the new finish).
If not, did the leak appear -- for the very first time -- immediately after resurfacing?
In that case, there's a fair chance that the chipping and prepping process EXPOSED an underlying crack. The contractor may not have noticed this, or may have wanted to avoid complicating an otherwise straightforward job. OR he may not have had the skill or expertise to fix the problem he found. Fixing shell cracks is challenging, and subject to high failure rates. It's also expensive. If the contractor knew you were stretching your budget already, he may well have wanted to get paid, and get out, before the problems appeared.
All that said, it's fairly unlikely that refinishing caused the problems that resulted in a leak, though it may have exposed an underlying problem.
Sorry to not have more 'hopeful' advice.