1. Get a K2006 and monitor CYA levels monthly (or even just 3x per summer)
2. Operate with chlorine levels that are based on a % of CYA levels. For clear, algae free water, as a starting point, FC should be 1.5 OR 5% of CYA.
3. Use OTO testing with the K1000 for normal quick checks (2 - 3x per week, if the pool is in control).
4. Use a mix of stabilized chlorine (trichlor / dichlor) and unstabilized chlorine (cal hypo, bleach [ sodium hypochlorite ], salt water chlorination). Bleach is the only one of those that is trouble-free. Cal hypo adds calcium, which can be managed. But that is something else to 'do right or suffer'! Salt corrodes things.
Get a HTH 6-Way Test Kit (~$23) (made by Taylor) from Amazon or Walmart . . . to start. Do NOT use the stabilizer / CYA test until AFTER you've added stabilizer. There are only 3x tests for CYA in that kit. The HTH 6-way contains the K1000 mentioned.
Good luck!
PS. Next time, ask before you drain. There are other options!