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Thread: Semi In-Ground Pool Roughed in. Need help to go to next steps, please.

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2018

    Question Semi In-Ground Pool Roughed in. Need help to go to next steps, please.

    I am building an exercise pool on the cheap so I can do rehab and stand and exercise without falling and getting hurt. The large compartment is 1000 gallons. I have photos below, or attached, don't know where they show up...

    I plan on a skimmer on each side. I would like to plumb jets or jet clusters.

    I tore apart my hot tub, so I have 2 pumps with motors, heater, control panel etc. It was working but to shallow to stand for rehab. I have a hoist to lift me from wheelchair to set me in the water and vise versa. Getting in is actually easy. It is that damn cruel GRAVITY that makes the getting out tough.

    I started with a septic tank, set it in ground. I then cut out a partial wall and dropped it. Then added cement tile blocks.

    I haven't gone further because I am stuck at plumbing. I can go higher on the walls as necessary.

    I can cut into the walls ok. I can even build a stack of cement tiles and put the jets and piping in there. I also thought I could run them in the corners, or even run them in corners and cover with concrete so the corners are more like \_/ shape.

    I would like to get the plumbing roughed in and set jets so I can get a liner ordered.

    I am new. I need all of the advise I can get.

    Thank you for your time and help.

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Semi In-Ground Pool Roughed in. Need help to go to next steps, please.

    These sorts of questions always embarrass me, because I'm never sure just what to say. I'm sympathetic with your need to save money, but unfortunately, I can't really help.


    I'm sure, that somewhere, at sometime, one of these design-it-and-build-it-yourself custom pool_spa_thingies have worked out well. But I've never seen that happen. And in any case, I can't really help.

    Again, why?

    Because what you are doing bears no resemblance to anything I have experience in doing. I've been successful, in the past, at doing one-off projects that require LOTS of time and LOTS of research, but it worked out because I was paid, well not LOTS, but SOME, to do what other people had failed at doing. Regretfully, I just can't spend that kind of time and effort for free. I'm sorry.

    It may not have occurred to you, but:
    • it's very tricky to pierce thin concrete (septic tank) with PVC and get a water tight penetration;
    • that "cement tile blocks" can bear vertical compression loads OK, but not lateral loads;
    • that homemade chair lifts are DANGEROUS, and nobody with experience will get anywhere near them;
    • and so on.

    The bottom line? I wish I could help, but I really can't.


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