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Thread: Availability of 8.3% Bleach Is Nil

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Jun 2015
    Shallotte, NC

    Default Re: Availability of 8.3% Bleach Is Nil

    Quote Originally Posted by PoolDoc View Post
    So long as it is stored INSIDE the store (below 80 deg F), it should be fine.

    I looked at the bottle I have; how did you decode the date?
    The Walmart Great Value bleach has a format of 18 219 13:40 S2 CA-01 so it is [20]18 219[th day] or Aug 7th... ie. (08-07-2018). I suspect (13:40) is military time, but I have no idea what the (S2 CA-01) means.

    I don't have any of the 10% chlorine, so I can't check that, but it will be a similar scheme.

    As for calculating the half-life of chlorine bleach, due to age and storage conditions, I think ChemGeek had a spreadsheet on the web, somewhere.... (My recollection is that at about 80° F the half life is about 6 months, but I stand to be corrected.)
    20'x40' rectangular 25.5K gal IG vinyl pool; Hayward S270T sand filter; 1 hp Hayward Pump (SP2607X10; K-2006C

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    Default Re: Availability of 8.3% Bleach Is Nil

    1. I can decode the bit you can't: the CA-01 is a code for the state and plant where the bleach was produced. I'm not sure what the "S2" is. I'm really surprised you've got California bleach. Mine is coded "FL-01" for Florida, probably the big Allied Universal plant there. I used to buy tanker loads of bleach from them, though from their Georgia plant.

    2. Bleach half-life is much more complicated than that. Many makers have switched to high-purity manufacturing units, so they can make bleach that's stable, and won't turn brown. Bleach made with very low contaminating metal ions has a longer life than Chem Geek reported. Here's a link: https://www.powellfab.com/sales_pdfs...er_profits.pdf

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