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Thread: Moving plumbing holes to opposite side of Intex pool.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2018

    Default Moving plumbing holes to opposite side of Intex pool.

    A person other than myself set up my Intex pool in my absence. Unfortunately it was done with the pump and plumbing facing the road, instead of in the back where noone would see it! Its unsightly and an eyesore when driving by. I would like to move the pump and all plumbing to the opposite side of the pool, which faces my back yard. I'm wondering if I can patch the 2 original intake holes un the liner and then create 2 new holes on the other side. (instead of having to drain my whole pool and getting 20 people to basically lift it up, spin it around and then refilling it. ($)

    Can anyone advise? Thank you.

    22 foot Intex, 10,600-ish gallons with sand filter system.

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Moving plumbing holes to oppisite side of Intex pool.

    Can do; wouldn't recommend it: patches are NEVER as strong as the original material. That's especially true on the fiber-reinforced material Intex pools are made from.

    Instead, why don't you wait till fall, drain the pool, take it down, and put it back up the way you want? The results would be much more reliable.

    Or . . . just build a small enclosure, using wooden fence material and 5/4" boards? (Do NOT put the pump/filter in a non-ventilated 'dog-house'!)

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Moving plumbing holes to oppisite side of Intex pool.

    Upgraded membership and moved thread to the Intex section. You may need to log out and back in to see everything.

    PS.You can search use Google to search multiple pool sites, using Google's 'advanced search operators" to limit your search to specific sites. This page of mine will create the search links for you. Google knows my site -- and all the others -- much better than those sites internal search functions! And, if you need to post pictures -- of your pool, filter, pump, piping, what-not -- there are instructions on this page

  4. #4
    Pappy is offline PF Supporter Widget Weaver Pappy 0
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    Default Re: Moving plumbing holes to oppisite side of Intex pool.

    If it just can't wait, and you just can't drain and refill (water restrictions maybe?), rather than try to patch it, I'd install these in the old holes.


    But I think I'd go the route of obscuring visual contact or moving the pool if at all possible.
    Intex 15ftx4ft 4500 gal. 3/4 HP Pentair WhisperFlo pump. Hayward 21" sand filter. Taylor K-2006 & K-1106 kits. PF=27

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Moving plumbing holes to oppisite side of Intex pool.

    @ Pappy: Thanks!

    @ MelanieM: Pappy has successfully made numerous mods to his Intex, where many others have failed. I'd listen close to his advice.

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