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Thread: Simple Blue SimpleSalt Water System - Shimmer / Vivid replacements

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2018

    Default Simple Blue SimpleSalt Water System - Shimmer / Vivid replacements

    Hi All,

    New to the forum. Tried searching but looks like I need to make a post first.

    We put in a new 27' above ground this spring, the same local company that did a great job putting in a friends. We decided to go with the same SimpleSalt setup. http://mysimplesalt.com/

    Everything has been great, very little maintenance, shock once a week with the Shimmer, and Vivid every other week.

    I'm having trouble finding the Shimmer and Vivid online. We are about an 1:10 to the pool place, and I'd love to order it online and have it shipped.

    I assume this is the same system rebranded multiple times, but I can't seem to find what I need, hoping someone can help out!

    Shimmers contents are -
    Calcium hypochlorite 47.6% Sodium tetraborate pentahydrate 20.0% Other ingredients 32.4% . Usage 1lb bag for every 10,000 gallons, every week. (I use 2)

    VIVID is a concentrated Natural Enzyme Clarifier, 1/2 pint every week.

    Both of these are packaged by Haviland Consumer Products Inc.

    Appreciate it!

  2. #2
    PoolDoc's Avatar
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    Default Re: Simple Blue SimpleSalt Water System - Shimmer / Vivid replacements

    Simple Salt is just another incarnation of Permasalt: http://www.poolforum.com/pf2/showthread.php/16701

    It's not recommended, and we don't offer support for such systems. If we do, then when the problems begin, it would be because "we gave poor advice". So, we give no advice at all. Besides I've learned that people don't really listen to warnings -- especially when they have just bought such a system -- till after the problems began. Once they do, you know where to find us. For the record, copper/silver systems do work well for some pool owners who (1) have vinyl liner pools and (2) have family members with dark hair. (Copper turns hair green).

    As far as the chems go, they are just over-priced blends, and can be replaced with other similar products . . . at your own risk. However, if you don't use THEIR chems, the dealer will tell you the problems (staining, green hair, etc) are YOUR FAULT for using the wrong chems. However, the Permasalt chems are, I believe, identical. You might be able to find a dealer selling those products online.

    One caution: copper/silver systems ARE effective at controlling algae AND and preventing bacteria from GROWING in pools. But they are not fast-acting enough to protect you from germs acquired from person-to-person transmission, with pool water as the 'carrier'. Only chlorine -- at pretty high levels -- is capable of that. (In theory, ozone could be even better, but ozone is dangerous, and US ozone pool systems are 'made safe' by producing so little ozone that they are ineffective.) So, you may want to limit the pool to family members!

    Good luck!

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Simple Blue SimpleSalt Water System - Shimmer / Vivid replacements

    Upgraded membership and moved thread to the Stains & Ionizers section. You may need to log out and back in to see everything.

    PS. You can search use Google to search mulitple pool sites, using Google's 'advanced search operators" to limit your seach to specific sites. This page of mine will create the search links for you. Google knows my site -- and all the others -- much better than those sites internal search functions!

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