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Thread: Intex Easy-Set leaning

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2018

    Default Intex Easy-Set leaning

    Before I start, yes the platform is level.

    When I initially filled the pool one side was lower than the other After a heavy rain this happened in the pic. Anything to be concerned about? I’d rather not drain and fill. Would be a pain and waste of water.

    Can I just leave it like this for the season?

    Also any tips to get it filled level? I must have done something to get it to roall to one side like that...

    Last edited by PoolDoc; 06-18-2018 at 05:25 PM. Reason: fix pix

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Leaning pool.

    I looked at your picture.

    That looks like a 12'x30" inch Intex, which holds ~1,500 gallons. Did you realize that weighs more than 6 tons -- 12,000 lbs?

    I'm pretty sure your platform wasn't 'engineered' for that, and if you tried to 'level' it, the platform would just break.

    Here the options I can think of:
    + Leave it as is. If it works, it works. If it 'tips', you're no worse off than you are if you drained it.

    + When you drain it -- or it 'tips':
    + take the plywood off,
    + put SAND under the pool, and level it.
    + add framing to contain the sand in place
    + cut the plywood to fit around the pool.
    (Use Gorilla tape on the plywood edges next to the pool!)
    I don't think you really want to get into framing a platform that will actually SUPPORT a 6 ton pool! This way, when your done with the pool, you can take up the platform and just rake the sand out into the grass.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Leaning pool.

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  4. #4
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    Default Re: Intex Easy-Set leaning

    You are correct on the size and yes I was aware of the weight when I built the platform. The platform was built because over the 16’ length of the platform there was an 8” drop right to left.

    My wife got the pool for free from a friend and wanted it up quickly so while it will have to wait until fall to get prettied up I can assure you it was “engineered” and built properly. The outside is level and I even put on the goggles and put the leave on the bottom of the pool. Checks out there as well.

    My main question is how do you get it to fill evenly? I had it filled once and it stood up fine. I drained it to reposition so the filter ports were in a better position and it rolled over during the refill. I must have gotten lucky the first time.

    Btw, the overal weight might be 6 tons but the pressure per sq.ft. is roughly 156 lbs. so when building a deck or platform it need s to be able to hold whatever the weight is per sq.ft.

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Intex Easy-Set leaning

    Quote Originally Posted by brant View Post
    Btw, the overal weight might be 6 tons but the pressure per sq.ft. is roughly 156 lbs. so when building a deck or platform it need s to be able to hold whatever the weight is per sq.ft.
    I assume you are thinking of building codes. Unfortunately, they do NOT assume that the maximum per sft live load will ever be present across the entire area, or even in a single concentrated area. You can see this at play in Table 1607.1 of Chapter 16 of the IBC As you can see, point loads considered never approach 12,000 pounds!

    As far getting to fill evenly, my understanding is that the only 'trick' is to put the pool on a genuinely level surface. I believe it is the case that the frame pools are more tolerant of out of level surfaces than the Easy-Set models.

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