Re: How to successfully select & operate a Salt Water Chlorine Generator system for p
Hey wishIcould,
Yes, JimK is correct. I'm on my 4th season with the AutoPilot with the RC42 cell (42k gallon pool), and it's still running beautifully. To be honest, it was a bit tricky in the beginning, but once I got the hang of it, it's been a good choice for out pool.
I think either one Aqua Rite or AutoPilot is a good choice. I have not seen many complaints about either. I have seem quite a few complaints about the Pentair Intellichlor which was what our pool builder recommended.
36'x20' Freeform, IG - 13k gal, Spa - 800 gal, Diamond Brite, Intelliflo VS pump, TR-140C sand filter, Mastertemp 400k BTU heater, 2HP Whisperflo pump (waterfall), Pool Pilot Digital RC-42 SWCG, K-2006 Test Kit