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Thread: Nature2 A vessel difference between models W20034 and W20040

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2018
    new york

    Question Nature2 A vessel difference between models W20034 and W20040

    I guess the title asks the question.

    Anyone know the differences between Nature2 A vessel models W20034 and W20040?
    The internet pictures show they are different.
    Something must be different for the extra $70 for the W20040.

    (And please spare me the debate on the effectiveness of Nature2. Let's just assume I want to go that route. Thanks.)


    Semi-inground 10K gal
    Tri-chlor (yes I know that debate as well, thx.)

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Nature2 A vessel difference between models W20034 and W20040

    I'm surprised a guy as skilled at debate, and as knowledgeable as you, was unable to uncover the Nature2 contact info. I feel sure they'd know the difference between those to models. And, unlike some of the literature they've published about the effectiveness of Nature2, I suspect the information they would supply concerning the model differences would be quite accurate!

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