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Thread: Which is the best shock to use with AquaRite salt cell inground pool

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2018

    Question Which is the best shock to use with AquaRite salt cell inground pool

    I just replaced my AquaRite T-15 salt cell with a Bluework BLT15-3W salt cell seems to be working fine.
    I am looking for suggestions for the best shock product to use with it to periodically boost chlorine after heavy use

    Last edited by PoolDoc; 06-02-2018 at 09:21 PM.

  2. #2
    PoolDoc's Avatar
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    Default Re: Which is the best shock to use with AquaRite salt cell inground pool

    Bleach has the fewest OTHER effects. Fresh PLAIN bleach is best. Walmart is selling 10% pool bleach in many parts of the country.

    Cal hypo adds calcium and can increase scale formation. Dichlor is 50% chlorine and 50% stabilizer. This is good, if your stabilizer is low. Otherwise, not so much.


    Chemicals (the RIGHT Stuff!)


    IMPORTANT Warning:

    Until you are an expert at deciphering chemical names, and can distinguish sodium hydrogen carbonate from sodium dichloroisocyanurate, and so on
    • Clorox brand pool chemicals => see #1 below
    • Arm & Hammer brand pool chemicals => see #1 below
      (A & H baking soda + washing soda are fine!)
    • HTH brand pool chemicals => see #1 below
      ( DryTec HTH, made by Arch (HTH) is fine )
    • Pool Time brand pool chemicals => see #1 below
    • All "Multi-function" chemicals => see #1 below
    • All 3-in-1, 4-in-1, 5-in-1 chemicals => see #1 below
    • Flavored bleach: scents, thickened, colored, 'gentler', etc: => see #2 below
    • Non-fuming muriatic acid => see #2 below
    • ]United Chemical brand pool chemicals => see #3 below
    • Bromide based products: Yellow Treat, etc. => see #3 below
    • Most algaecides => see #4 below
    • Ammonia based products: Yellow Out, Green to Clean, etc. => see #5 below
    • Stain removers => see #6 below
    • Almost all 'boosters'. => see #7 below

    Reason #1: Dilutes chlorine with unknowns, including copper, borax, alum and phosphates. Except for borax, these can CAUSE pool problems.
    Reason #2: Bleach or acid is diluted with unknown chemicals which may, or MAY NOT, be compatible with pools
    Reason #3: Adds bromide to pool -- see http://pool9.net/bromine/
    Reason #4: No algaecide works better than chlorine. All algaecide EXCEPT polyquat have problematic side effects. Copper may work well IF you don't mind green hair and/or stains. 'Foamy' algaecides barely work at all.
    Reason #5: Adds ammonia to the pool resulting in MASSIVE chloramine levels. Done exactly, right, monochloramine forms which WILL kill algae NOW, and then cause PROBLEMS LATER. Fail to use it EXACTLY right, and you'll make dichloramine which only causes PROBLEMS.
    Reason #6: The common somewhat-effective liquid stain control products become phosphates over time, and CAUSE algae problems. Other products, based on citric or ascorbic acid, are COMPLETELY incompatible with chlorine. NONE of them actually REMOVE metals from your pool water, but only temporarily dissolve them. Dealing with stains and metal in pool water is both complex.
    Reason #7: Unknown mystery 'goo'; unlikely to help and MAY CAUSE problems.

    Remember: Problems with your swimming pool water help pool stores SELL more chemicals!

    Last edited by PoolDoc; 06-04-2018 at 08:51 AM. Reason: improve formatting

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2018

    Thumbs up Re: Which is the best shock to use with AquaRite salt cell inground pool

    Thank you PoolDoc.... great easy to understand list of options and what to avoid!

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