More information:
Getting an OTO kit:
+ Get a cheap OTO (yellow drops) / phenol test kit or, better,a HTH 6-Way Test Kit from Amazon
or Walmart.
Test the pool as soon and you can, and post the results. If you get the 6-way kit, ALSO test the water you FILL the pool with, especially if it's a well, and post THOSE results as well. Do NOT test CYA levels on fill water: the 6-way only has reagent for THREE CYA tests, and you'll need them on the pool!
Getting dichlor:
+ If you need stabilizer, and have access to a Sams Club, buy their 24 pack of 1# bags of dichlor shock ($2.50/lb). Each bag will add about 7 ppm of chlorine, and about 6 ppm of stabilizer, per 10K gallons of water. Otherwise, order dichlor from Amazon:
Rx Clear Stabilized Granular Chlorine 25lbs ($3.50/lb)
Kem-Tek Dichlor 22 lbs($4.00/lb)
We do NOT recommend buying dichlor locally, otherwise, at least until you are an EXPERT reader of chemical labels. The chlorinating pool chemicals sold at Walmart, Kmart, Costco, and most other local stores are diluted blends, sometimes with copper and other products with bad side-effects.
Possible alternative sources:
+ Leslies Chlor Brite ($6.50/lb)
+ Any granular pool product that contains ALL of these phrases:
---- "quick dissolving" as a DESCRIPTION, not a name, AND
---- "dichlor" as *part* of the chemical ingredient name, AND
---- states that the product contains 55% to 61% "available chlorine".
and does NOT contain any of these phrases:
---- "copper" anywhere in the chemical ingredients list
---- "clarifier" or "filter aid" or "pH balancer" or "buffer" or "flocculant"
Getting borax and muriatic acid:
+ Borax -- used to raise pH -- is available in the detergent section of many large grocery stores, in the 20 Mule Team Borax brand.
+ Muriatic acid -- used to lower pH -- is available from Lowes, Home Depot, and similar stores. The 31% standard strength will contain only muriatic acid. Be VERY careful if you buy the "safer" versions; these often contain a detergent. If you can find a diluted 15% muriatic acid, with no detergent, that is excellent, since the diluted acid doesn't fume. Here's an example of the 31% acid from Lowes: Crown Muriatic acid
+ Regardless of what acid you buy, be sure to read the muriatic acid safe handling page!
Getting a Taylor K-2006:
+ We recommend the Taylor K-2006 test kit, which meets the requirements above, for many reasons. The HTH 6-way drops kit (made by Taylor) is a great starter kit, and is compatible with the K2006. There are a few alternatives, but we're not aware of any test that is better. Since we are all familiar with the K-2006 (and can help you with it) we recommend it exclusively ( Test kit info page )
Getting better filter cartridges:
+ The OEM cartridges supplied with Intex and Summer Escapes pools are quite low in quality. The Intex manuals recommend replacing them completely every 2 weeks. Better cartridges will last longer, make the water clearer, and if you make a mistake, help you clean up much faster. Plus, if you clean them properly, they are actually cheaper, since a pair of cartridges will last all summer. So even though they cost more per cartridge, they cost less per season. Learn to maintain them, by reading this post, Cleaning-your-Cartridge-Filter-wiithout-Damaging-It!
But, purchasing them is tricky. Amazon does not consistently stock them, and some of the 3rd party sellers are charging high prices and/or high shipping. So, check the Amazon link, but watch out for the prices and shipping costs.
It would be nice if you could just buy them elsewhere, but many of the online pool stores are listing Pleatco or other Asian made low quality filters, as "Unicel C-4607 type" or "fits Unicel C-4607". So shop carefully! The links below for Unicel and Filbur cartridges. Either should be OK. Avoid all other brands, as well as "will replace Unicel C-####" products.
Here are the Amazon links:
Unicel cartridges: @ AmazonUnicel C-4607 Replacement Filter Cartridge (Intex A or C)
Unicel C-5315 Replacement Filter Cartridge (Intex B Filter
Unicel C-3302 Replacement Filter Cartridge (Intex E)
Filbur cartridges: @ Amazon
[ NOTE: Genuine Filbur cartridges should cost the same as Unicel; if they are cheaper, watch out for NON-Filbur cartridges! ]Filbur FC-3710 Antimicrobial Replacement Filter Cartridge (Intex A or C)
Filbur FC-3752 Antimicrobial Replacement Filter Cartridge (Intex B)
Filbur FC-3751 Antimicrobial Replacement Filter Cartridge (Intex E)
Pump and Filter Timing and Safety:
+ Running your pump less saves energy. But you want to be careful. If you FAIL to run it sufficiently, you are likely to have problems.
=> Start off running your pump 8 hours per day OR MORE.
=> Basically, if your water is clear and sparkling, you may be able to run it less.
=> If it's hazy or cloudy, you should run it more AND check your chlorine levels.
=> If it's really cloudy or your are having problems, you should run it 24/7.
=> Using the Unicel cartridges will help you reduce run times.
=> The ONLY time to NOT run the filter, is if the chlorine is high AND you are trying to allow algae or other dirt to settle, so you can vacuum it up.
=> It's better to run it 2x per day, than 1x, even with equal hours. (4 hrs + 4 hrs is better than 8 hrs)
=> This timer will help:Intermatic P1121 Heavy Duty Outdoor Timer 15 Amp
One reason for running your pump less, is so it's not on when people are in the pool. Older Intex guides instructed pool owners to turn their pumps off, when the pool was in use. Some newer Intex pumps come with built in electrical safety devices called Ground Fault Circuit Interrupters or GFCI units. GFCI's should be tested regularly, because they DO fail. Sometimes they fail in a way that leaves the pump running,but without any safety protection.
Having your own independent GFCI is a good idea. If you have a GFCI protected receptacle that your pool power cord plugs into, that's great. If not, you may want to get one of these, and replace the male plug on your extension cords:Leviton 16693 15A 120VCompact Right Angle GFCI
TRC 14880023-6 15A 120V GFCI Right Angle Plug Tri-Cord, Yellow
You can also use something like this:
TRC 26020008-6 12/3 GFCI Protected Tri-Cord Set 3-Outlets, 2-Ft, 15A Yellow
Be sure to use an appropriate extension cord: at least a 14-3 grounded cord. If you have a bigger pump or a long run to the pool, a cord like this is much preferable:
US Wire 74050 12/3 50-Foot SJTW Yellow Heavy Duty Lighted Plug Extension Cord
US Wire 74100 12/3 100-Feet SJTW Yellow Heavy-Duty Lighted Extension Cord
Getting Polyquat:
+ Polyquat is *not* essential to this method, but you may want to get some anyhow, as a 'get out of jail' free problem solver. (Well, not 'free' -- you have to buy it!) Polyquat is an decent algaecide AND an excellent clarifier and filter aid, and is a non-oxidizing sanitizer. You won't need it, if do everything else correctly and do not go on vacation. But if you make a mistake OR if you need to go on vacation, polyquat can help.
+ To go on vacation, prep by a 4x dose of bleach 2 days before you leave. The day of vacation, remove the cartridge from your filter and add a 2x dose of polyquat. What you are doing is cleaning up the pool (with the 4x chlorine dose) and then adding a long lasting algaecide to keep the pool clean, while you're gone. Unlike chlorine, polyquat is NOT removed by sunlight. Unlike chlorine, polyquat IS removed by filtration, thus the cartridge removal step. (If you plan to leave your pump OFF, it's not necessary to remove the cartridge.)
+ To *help* clean up a cloudy mess if NO live algae remains, use a 1x dose every 2 - 3 days till clear.
+ To *help* clean up a cloudy mess if live algae STILL is present, , use a 2x dose every 2 - 3 days till all algae is dead.
+ There's more info about polyquat at; here are order links:Kem-Tek 60% polyquat @ Amazon
Nava 60% polyquat @ Amazon
+ A reasonable purchase quantity to purchase is 1 quart per 5,000 gallons of pool water. (Get 1 qt for 1 - 5000 gallons; get 2 qts for 5001 gallons, etc.)
Cleaning equipment for small pools:
Most folks with Intex type pools do not have an adequate cleaning equipment, and Intex doesn't really have any accessories that are adequate. But Intex does offer one add-onthat helps a LOT, if your pool is in an area where grass, bugs, leaves or other surface debris enter your pool:Intex Wall-mounted Surface Skimmer
Pole and pool tools for pools less than 20' wide:
Light duty:Hydro Tools 8351 6- to 12-Foot Adjustable Blue Anodized Step-Up Telescopic Pool Pole
Poolmaster 18100 ABS Curved Pool Brush, 17-1/2-Inch
Intex 50001E Leaf Rake
Swimline Hydro Tools 8028 Premium Aluminum Pool Leaf Skimmer
Medium duty:Poolmaster 20172 Premier 18-Inch Nylon Aluminum Back Pool Brush
Jed Pool tools Inc 50-560-16 16-Feet Professional Deluxe Anodized Telescopic Pool Pole
Poolmaster 21191 Premier Aluminum Pool Leaf Skimmer, Black/Silver
Purity Pool RBTD Red Baron 20-Inch Professional Leaf Rake, Tuff Duty Model
fiberglass pole -- longer lasting, but heavier:
Hydro Tools 8375 8- to 16-Foot Adjustable Commercial Fiberglass Telescopic Pool Pole
[ There have been complaints about splinters from this pole; you may have to wear gloves with it. ]
Pool Vacuum Options
Manual Pool Vacuum:Hydro Tools 1-1/4-Inch Diameter With Swivel Cuff Pool Vacuum Hose, 18'
Poolmaster 27514 Classic Full View Triangular Vinyl Liner Vacuum
Hydro Tools 8351 6- to 12-Foot Adjustable Blue Anodized Step-Up Telescopic Pool Pole
With the manual option, you can certainly remove the debris by vacuuming 'to waste', using siphon. You'll want to over-fill your pool first, before starting the siphon. Tie some sort of weight to the hose, to keep the 'out-of-the-pool' end from flopping back into the pool and breaking the siphon.
You may, or may not, be able to couple the hose to the suction inlet on your pool. If you can work out a way to do so, then you will not lose the water you vacuum with, but you will get your filter dirty fast.
This adapter will help on some pools; on others you may need one of the battery vacs below:
Surface Intex Skimmer Small Strainer Hose B Adaptor
Battery Operated Vacuum:Water Tech Pool Blaster Max
Water Tech CATFISHPPV Pool Blaster, Catfish
Pool Blaster PBW022MF Micro Filter Bag
[ Most of the items I've recommended over they years have worked out well. These, not so much, but there aren't any 'better' products I can find. Reviews on Amazon are mixed, but read through some, before you buy! ]
If you are interested in the battery vac -- and we've had pretty good reports on this brand -- call Water Tech *FIRST* and make sure that the fine bag will pick up debris like yours. It's possible that it may just go through the bag, so ask first.
Water Tech (PowerBlaster Max page)
10 Alvin Ct. Suite 111
East Brunswick, NJ 08816 USA
Tel: (800) 298-8800