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Thread: How can I get replacement parts for OLD Spartan pool fittings?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2018

    Default How can I get replacement parts for OLD Spartan pool fittings?

    We purchased a home with a pool a few years ago. We noticed a cracked return housing, which sounds like no big deal, but local stores laugh when we mention the faceplate has 6 screw holes. Our pool is from the era prior to standardized 4 hole faceplates, and I’m looking for guidance.

    We were told today that we should probably just “buy a new pool”, but the fitting issue is the only problem, so that seems excessive. Are there resources to get older parts? Any other options that will not break the bank? Thanks in advance!

  2. #2
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    Default Re: OLD Spartan pool fittings?

    I'm guessing you're talking about an above-ground pool?

    If so, and if the walls and liner are in good shape, there's probably a solution besides a new pool. The problem is, most of the possibilities that occur to me would require some advanced handy-man or 'mechanic' skills. But here are a couple of possibles:

    1. If the face plate is not brittle, it can be PVC welded, if you can find someone with the equipment and know-how.

    2. A machine shop could take a piece of PVC from something like this +GF+ 3" blind flange and machine it into a replacement. Even if that cost several hundred dollars, it would be a LOT less than a new pool!

    3. On an AG pool, you can replace the entire fitting with something like this 2" Banjo bulkhead fitting. But again, it would take some know-how to cut the fitting port, through the liner and wall, without causing additional damage.

    But . . . in general, making older parts for pools (or pretty much anything) is NOT a good way to keep a business in the black. People don't want to pay $120 for a part that might have originally cost $3 . . . even though $100 is what it takes to make them 5 at a time!

    There ARE a few exceptions. Google can help you find them IF you know some of the original brand name / model information so you can search effectively.

    Good luck!

    PS: If this is the SAME "Spartan" -- https://spartanpools.com/contact-us/ -- as the one you mentioned, you probably ought to give them a call Tuesday. But you should have some pictures ready to send them, by email or phone. And CHECK the pictures, first. Fuzzy pictures won't help you at all!

  3. #3
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    PoolDoc is offline Administrator Quark Inspector PoolDoc 5 stars PoolDoc 5 stars PoolDoc 5 stars PoolDoc 5 stars PoolDoc 5 stars PoolDoc 5 stars PoolDoc 5 stars
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    Default Re: OLD Spartan pool fittings?

    Upgraded membership; moved thread to AG pool construction section => you may need to log in and log out to gain access!

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