I'm guessing you're talking about an above-ground pool?
If so, and if the walls and liner are in good shape, there's probably a solution besides a new pool. The problem is, most of the possibilities that occur to me would require some advanced handy-man or 'mechanic' skills. But here are a couple of possibles:
1. If the face plate is not brittle, it can be PVC welded, if you can find someone with the equipment and know-how.
2. A machine shop could take a piece of PVC from something like this +GF+ 3" blind flange and machine it into a replacement. Even if that cost several hundred dollars, it would be a LOT less than a new pool!
3. On an AG pool, you can replace the entire fitting with something like this 2" Banjo bulkhead fitting. But again, it would take some know-how to cut the fitting port, through the liner and wall, without causing additional damage.
But . . . in general, making older parts for pools (or pretty much anything) is NOT a good way to keep a business in the black. People don't want to pay $120 for a part that might have originally cost $3 . . . even though $100 is what it takes to make them 5 at a time!
There ARE a few exceptions. Google can help you find them IF you know some of the original brand name / model information so you can search effectively.
Good luck!
PS: If this is the SAME "Spartan" -- https://spartanpools.com/contact-us/ -- as the one you mentioned, you probably ought to give them a call Tuesday. But you should have some pictures ready to send them, by email or phone. And CHECK the pictures, first. Fuzzy pictures won't help you at all!