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Thread: Taylor Reagents Refills

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2011

    Default Taylor Reagents Refills

    Any suggestions on the best place to purchase Taylor reagent refills. The last two times I have gotten refills that expire within 2 to 3 months. Last time purchase came through Amazon.

  2. #2
    PoolDoc's Avatar
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    Default Re: Taylor Reagents Refills

    Most Taylor reagents last indefinitely. The only absolute exception is the DPD powder or drops. I'd be careful to validate old FAS-DPD solutions, but it's always been OK.

    What reagent were you having problems with?

  3. #3
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    Jun 2011

    Default Re: Taylor Reagents Refills

    Thanks. These are the items with the expiration dates:

    R-0871c FAS-DPD EXP 05/17
    R-0004 PH INDICATOR EXP 04/17
    R-0007 THIOSULFATE EXP 03/17
    R-0009 SULFURIC ACID EXP 05/17

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Taylor Reagents Refills

    The only ones that ACTUALLY 'expire' are the FAS-DPD and thiosulfate. But the thiosulfate should be fine, unless you've left the lid open. And the FAS-DPD should be fine for this season, unless you've left the lid open, or let the kit get hot (ie, stored it in the sun).

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Taylor Reagents Refills

    Thanks, I keep them stored in a dark and cool closet year round. Any suggestions on the best place to order new reagents when I do need them. I prefer not to use Amazon since I have not had a good experience with EXP dates.

  6. #6
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    Default Re: Taylor Reagents Refills

    Many people have gotten them at Amazon, but if you search for "Taylor + [ reagent #, like R-0871 ]" I'm sure you can find other sources.

    Here are some Amazon links:You can refill the R0004 and the R0013. You should NOT try to refill the R0870 powder -- the powder is VERY sensitive to moisture, and the Taylor bottle does a good job of preserving 1 batch of powder. You may refill the R0871, but you need to be meticulous about it, since any contamination can mess up the reagent. Usually you won't run out of the other reagents.

    As best I can tell, the R0013 reagent does not 'go bad', but I still wouldn't by more than you'll use in 3 - 4 years.

    To refill:
    • Wash and dry your hands. Put on safety glasses -- or sun glasses.
    • Pour out some distilled water (Walmart) into a CLEAN 1 quart Rubbermaid, in case you need to rinse something off.
    • Lay out paper towels to catch drips, and to use for wiping, if needed.
    • Use your thumb, with a bit of paper towel, to pop off the dropper tip, by holding the bottle and pushing to one side with your thumb. Make SURE the tip lands some place clean.
    • Use a fresh funnel to fill the bottle. You may want to have someone hold the reagent bottle while you pour. Put towels underneath to catch overflow.
    • Set the large bottle aside and cap it.
    • Pour off any excess in the refilled bottle (level needs to be 3/8 - 1/2" below top)
    • Hold the bottle in 1 hand and pick up the tip with a bit of paper towel in the other, and press it into place till it snaps.
    • Voila'! All done.

    Reading over this, I see I should make a video. It sounds harder than it is. If you practice with an old reagent bottle, you can work it out first. Keep in mind that the phenol red reagent is a dye, and will stain clothes.

    Hope this helps.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 1969

    Default Re: Taylor Reagents Refills

    I’ve had issues sometimes ordering from Amazon before. You can order direct from Taylor

    22'x40' Grecian Lazy L 20K gal IG vinyl pool; Aqua Rite SWCG T15 cell; Hayward Pro Grid 6020 DE filter; Hayward Superpump 1hp pump; 12 hrs; Taylor K-2006; city; PF:6

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