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Thread: steps to getting pool chemistry right

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 1969
    mayfield, ks

    Default steps to getting pool chemistry right

    In what order to adjust these numbers? What are the targets that I'm working towards? My pool is a 25,000 gallon inground, sand filter.

    CyA 30
    PH 6.8 (yellow)
    Alk 20
    CC 2
    16'x36' rectangle 25K gal IG vinyl pool; bleach; Pentair Meteor 26" sand filter; challenger 1 1/2 HP pump; hrs; PS233; rural water ; PF:4.8

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2013
    Northwest Indiana

    Default Re: steps to getting pool chemistry right

    You need to raise the ph and get the cc below 1. Not sure about your test kit, but most of the time anything below 7 could be what you read or it could be significantly lower. Use the Best Guess chart and shock your pool until 1) water is clear, 2) cc is 1 or less, AND 3)you don't lose more than 1 ppm of FC overnight. Once that's all stable, you can raise your cya if you want. I always kept my pool around 50 ppm cya. As for alkalinity, that's the last thing to work on. Make sure the others are good first.
    -Eric B. 16x32 rect 14,364 gal AG (Intex Ultra Frame); 14 in sand filter; 1 HP 2800 GPH pump; 8 hrs; Taylor K-2006c, utility water, debris cover
    @Best Guess chart http://pool9.net/cl-cya @K2006 http://pool9.net/testkits

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2013
    Northern Illinois

    Default Re: steps to getting pool chemistry right

    I agree! I would also suggest that you consider using arm and hammer WASHING SODA (about 3 cups to start) to raise both pH and TA and see where you are.

    Did you mean you have a CC reading of 2 or a chlorine reading of 2? How does the water look?
    26K gal 20x40 rectangular IG vinyl pool; Apr 2014: New pump, liner, auto-cover, & water; Pentair Whisperflo 1HP pump; Pentair Trition sand filter; Cover/Star CS-500 auto cover; Taylor K-2006C; OTO

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2013
    Northern Illinois

    Default Re: steps to getting pool chemistry right

    Forgot to add targets:
    CYA: 40-50 depending on how much sun you get
    FC: 5-6 corresponds to above
    TA 50 (alk)
    26K gal 20x40 rectangular IG vinyl pool; Apr 2014: New pump, liner, auto-cover, & water; Pentair Whisperflo 1HP pump; Pentair Trition sand filter; Cover/Star CS-500 auto cover; Taylor K-2006C; OTO

  5. #5
    Anonymous [GDPR] European in the UK Guest

    Default Re: steps to getting pool chemistry right

    The TA will change as you raise the pH so wait, The pH will also raise as you add more chlorine so wait also if the pH is stable don't worry about the TA at all with a vinyl liner. I run my pool with a TA of around 30ppm as the pH is very stable at that level.
    What is your calcium hardness?
    So get your chlorine up to shock level to oxidize out the CC, which should be 0 to 0.5ppm

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