I opened my pool about a month ago. Used an opening kit from intheswim.com and within 12 hours it was nice and clear. Within a few days it was green and I went and bought something that claimed to kill the algae and send it to the bottom where it could be easily vacuumed to waste. Well it worked but every time I get in to vaccuum it, it stirs everything up and I cannot see to vaccuum not to mention I don't have much time before my water level lowers to the point where I have to stop and put water back into the pool before I can continue. Is there anything I can do to get the algae up without vacuuming to waste? I'll admit I am a dummy when it comes to this and have pretty much winged it for the past few years when it comes to this pool. I've shocked the holy crap out of it and spent hundreds of dollars trying to get it right. Any advice would be appreciated.