I simply wanted to take a minute and write THANKS to this site for the excellent advice and helps given in my situation.

I had used Tri-Chlor pucks in the past without paying much attention to the CYA levels and it ended up in a bad situation when I opened my pool this year. After killing off all the algae I had very high levels of CC which took large quantities of Chlorine to finally get resolved.

I also ran out of testing solutions and Ben graciously rushed a PS234 kit in order to help me.

After paying close attention to the problem, reading these forums, and using my test kit, I now have a beautiful swimming pool again with zero CC, and all of the other parameters are where they should be.

The PS234 kit, and understanding the nature of the problem as described in these forums, was absolutely essential in getting this resolved.


AND, after trying the BBB method, my pool is sparkling clear and it feels great to swim in.

So, pardon the rant, or should I say praise in this case.. but I'm grateful for the site and the advice of so many.. You folks are doing a great service to those of us who need to get a handle on the seemingly underestimated complexity of water chemistry.

Mark in MA.