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Thread: Only One Step is Stained??!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2013
    South Carolina

    Default Only One Step is Stained??!

    I have a mystery that needs solving. One of my three pool steps (the middle one) is a tannish color, while the other two are the normal white. There is a return jet pointed so that water flows along the length of the step. Another bit of information that may help is that there always seems to be a small amount of sand on the steps, so maybe I have something broken in my pump that is allowing some sand to come through.
    vinyl roman IG pool with steps & board, 32,000 gal, Hayward sand filter, Chlorinator (3" tabs), liquid chlorine and 3" tabs, Taylor FAS-DPD Chlorine (K-2006) Test Kit

  2. #2
    swimdaddy is offline *Removed User* Weir Watcher swimdaddy 0
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    May 2014
    Washington state, east

    Default Re: Only One Step is Stained??!

    Not sure what your mystery is. Is it

    1. Why is one step discolored and the others aren't... or...

    2. What is discoloring the step... or...

    3. Where is the sand coming from...?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2013
    Northern Illinois

    Default Re: Only One Step is Stained??!

    Try putting a vitamin C tablet on the stair and see what happens. It is definitely coming from your filter. The sand points to other issues. Let's go from there.
    26K gal 20x40 rectangular IG vinyl pool; Apr 2014: New pump, liner, auto-cover, & water; Pentair Whisperflo 1HP pump; Pentair Trition sand filter; Cover/Star CS-500 auto cover; Taylor K-2006C; OTO

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