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Thread: Pentair Intellichlor IC20, Green cell light is flashing

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    St. Louis metro area

    Default Pentair Intellichlor IC20, Green cell light is flashing

    The green cell light is flashing and the pool has no chlorine. I checked chemistry and everything seems to be in line, except the chlorine and stabilizer. pH 7.4, TA 110, and salt 3000. I added some stabilizer and bleach to shock. I also added a little salt to bring it closer to 3600, which is recommended by Pentair. I then cleaned the cell with Muratic acid, but it didn't seem to change anything. This swcg allows you to check for life left in the cell, which shows 40% left. I'm at a loss as to what to do next. Any assistance would be appreciated. Thanks.
    11,700 gallon Leisure Elegance 27 fiberglass pool, Pentair Intelliflo pump, IntelliChlor IC20 ECG, UltraTemp heat pump, IntelliBrite 5g LED light, EasyTouch 4, DeckJet II, Automatic Pool Covers AutoGuard Top Track

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Pentair Intellichlor IC20, Green cell light is flashing

    An old question that was answered badly, but one that is still asked.


    Here's how it could have been answered:

    1. Search Google for "Pentair + IC-20 + manual".

    2. Get the Pentair manual from this page: https://pentairpool.com/en/support/m...6-d697c377c683

    3. It's this one: https://pentairpool.com/~/media/webs...nsanitizer.pdf

    4. On page 7, under the "Salt Level LEDs" heading, read the explanation for "Flashing Green" led indication.*


    Two more comments.

    1. If you do the Google search straight-up, you get a confusing list of options. The 2nd one (at least today) is for the manual PDF, but the manual index does not appear.

    HOWEVER, if you use the Super Search page (http://pool9.net/ssearch) and grab use the Pentair only search link it will create . . . the top 2 answers are the ones you want.

    2. The flashing LED means too much salt.

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