I would suspect a faulty read out if you are not adding salt.
What can cause the reading on the system to rise. We got the system at the start of this season. Had to have the first one replaced after 2 months because something shorted in it. This one has been in place since the first of July. It stayed at 3200 ppm readout almost the entire time we have had it. I have added no salt. Two days ago the reading shot up to 3400 ppm and today it is up to 3600 ppm without my adding any salt. They told me to keep it between 2700 to 3400. It is producing chlorine though.
Free Chlorine 2
PH 7.6
Alkalinity 100
PF=5; 23K gal IG kidney vinyl pool, Triton II Sand Filter, Whisperflow VS Pump, Taylor 2006 kit, Jacuzzi/Carvin Saniclear 40 SWCG
I would suspect a faulty read out if you are not adding salt.
14'x31' kidney 21K gal IG plaster pool; SWCG (Saline Generating System's SGS Breeze); Pentair FNS Plus 48 DE DE filter; Whisperflow 1 HP pump; 8 hours hrs; kit purchased from Ben; utility water; summer: none; winter: none; PF:5.7
Some SWGs don't compensate the salt readout for water temperature very well so if your water temperature went up recently, that could account for the change.
But don't worry too much about the salt level that it reads. Only be concerned if the unit alarms or shuts off because of it.
Hydraulics 101; Pump Ed 101; Pump/Pool Spreadsheets; Pump Run Time Study; DIY Acid Dosing; DIY Cover Roller
18'x36' 20k plaster, MaxFlo SP2303VSP, Aqualogic PS8 SWCG, 420 sq-ft Cartridge, Solar, 6 jet spa, 1 HP jet pump, 400k BTU NG Heater
Good to know, but how will I know if the salt level is good? I have just been checking the chlorine, ph, and alkalinity levels and relying on the system to give me the salt ppm. I just bought some salt test strips...thought I would try that too.
Thank You.
PF=5; 23K gal IG kidney vinyl pool, Triton II Sand Filter, Whisperflow VS Pump, Taylor 2006 kit, Jacuzzi/Carvin Saniclear 40 SWCG
The only thing that matters is that the SWG unit is happy (i.e. no alarms). It doesn't matter what the true salt level is only that the SWG unit thinks it has the correct salt.
Hydraulics 101; Pump Ed 101; Pump/Pool Spreadsheets; Pump Run Time Study; DIY Acid Dosing; DIY Cover Roller
18'x36' 20k plaster, MaxFlo SP2303VSP, Aqualogic PS8 SWCG, 420 sq-ft Cartridge, Solar, 6 jet spa, 1 HP jet pump, 400k BTU NG Heater