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Thread: Ongoing fight with mustard algae

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2011

    Post Ongoing fight with mustard algae

    I have been vacuuming to waste and every time I turn the pump back on it see what appears to be the dust of the algae coming back in thru the jets for a few seconds. How do I keep this from happening?? Seems like all I do is for nothing after that since some is coming right back in!
    Last edited by smoovie; 09-06-2015 at 12:58 PM.
    16X32 Inground 23,000 gal vinyl lined Hayward S200 High Rate Sand Filter Hayward Super Pump 1HP 20GPM 8.25% Bleach for chlorinating.

  2. #2
    chem geek is offline PF Supporter Whibble Konker chem geek 4 stars chem geek 4 stars chem geek 4 stars chem geek 4 stars
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    Nov 2004

    Default Re: Ongoing fight with mustard algae

    You can add DE (or equivalent cellulose fiber filter-aid product) to your sand filter to improve its filtration capability. See Adding DE to sand filter and For those of you with sand blowing back into the pool. You can also inspect your sand filter to make sure it isn't channelling from being clumped and you can deep clean your sand filter.
    15.5'x32' rectangle 16K gal IG concrete pool; 12.5% chlorinating liquid by hand; Jandy CL340 cartridge filter; Pentair Intelliflo VF pump; 8hrs; Taylor K-2006 and TFTestkits TF-100; utility water; summer: automatic; winter: automatic; ; PF:7.5

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