Re: PH Levels after Newly Plastered Pool
You should post a complete set of water chemistry numbers for Free Chlorine (FC), Combined Chlorine (CC), pH, Total Alkalinity (TA), Calcium Hardness (CH), and Cyanuric Acid (CYA)from a proper test kit, the Taylor K-2006. Your TA may be too high and contributing to pH rise. You may also be lowering the pH too much when you add acid since lower pH also outgases more carbon dioxide that has the pH rise.
Plaster curing has the most pH rise in the first days, then slows down over weeks, and after months the effects from TA should outweigh those from plaster if it was properly sealed. If you had an acid startup, it may take longer for the pH to settle down compared to a traditional startup or the best which is a bicarbonate startup. The latter seals the plaster in-place with virtually no plaster dust nor rise in CH.
15.5'x32' rectangle 16K gal IG concrete pool; 12.5% chlorinating liquid by hand; Jandy CL340 cartridge filter; Pentair Intelliflo VF pump; 8hrs; Taylor K-2006 and TFTestkits TF-100; utility water; summer: automatic; winter: automatic; ; PF:7.5