I have a 15x 30 oval above ground pool 52in deep. We have had a Baquacil pool for the past 5 yrs but but had white water mold the past 2 years. We were spending a ridiculous amount of money trying to get cleared up.We decided it was time to transition to chlorine. When we closed last season we didn't add any Baquacil, upon opening our Baquacil levels were 0. We added shock and chlorine prior to getting our pH ideal so our water got cloudy and added Algaecide. I spoke with a friend about the BBB method so we transitioned to that. We initially got our numbers up and TC and FC were high for several days and the pool cleared. It is now nice and clear. But with white flooring patches. My readings yesterday were starting to drop, so I added bleach to get my levels up. I am using the pool calculator I found on your forum. Today, my TC was at 1 ppm, FC 1 ppm, pH 7.2 CYA at 0. I netted this floating white stuff out of the pool but it was pink on the net. Sounds like I need to get my TC and FC up. I went ahead and added a gallon of bleach and 24 of Borax to get ph up a tad higher. Please advise? Also..do I need to add stabilizer and if so...do I just get a stabilizer from pool dealer?
