Re: Pool Enclosure Cleaning - Oxygen Bleach versus Chlorine Bleach
Your best bet for removing mold, especially in a humid environment, is to do what the professionals do - tri-sodium phosphate (TSP) and bleach. TSP can be found in any hardware store and you can use store-bought bleach or higher concentration liquid chlorine from a pool store or hardware store.
TSP/Bleach can be used on most stone and concrete (unless the concrete is colored in which case you need to test it first for color-fastness). It can be used on most metals EXCEPT FOR ALUMINUM! TSP will destroy aluminum so don't use it on there. TSP/Bleach is very effective at killing mold and keeping it at bay.
The "Oxi products" are based on some form of sodium percarbonate (sodium peroxy-dicarbonate). Sodium percarbonate in water solutions breaks down into sodium carbonate and peroxide which is ok at cleaning mold but not nearly as good as TSP/bleach. TSP is much more strongly alkaline (a 1% solution of TSP in water has a pH of 12) than sodium carbonate and carbonates are not as effective as phosphates are at forming chemical complexes with metals and other staining agents. TSP is also great a saponifying (soap-forming) grease and oils. As well, chlorine from bleach is a much stronger disinfectant and oxidizer than is peroxide.
Hope that helps.
For historical purposes, TSP and phosphate based cleaners once pervaded the cleaning industry. Almost all dishwashing detergents and laundry soaps had some form of phosphates in them as they make excellent cleaning agents. But, phosphates started getting into the environment and water supplies (mostly due to poor municipal management of waste water streams) and would de-oxygenate water supplies killing fish and plant life as the phosphates would feed huge algae blooms and red-tides. So, in the early 70's, there was a push to replace phosphates in household cleaning products with the less dangerous (and poorer performing) carbonates.
I actually keep a box of TSP in the house at all times and use it in my dishwasher and washing machine when I need to do heavy duty cleaning. Until they pry the box of TSP from my cold, dead hands, I will use it as I need to 
OH, and I hope that it goes without saying - you need to wear PPE's (personal protective equipment) when using TSP/Bleach!! You should be wearing PPE's whenever dealing with strong cleaning products, but especially with TSP/Bleach due to it's highly caustic and oxidizing properties. So that means rubber gloves, eye protection and avoiding contact with any clothing that you like...
Last edited by SunnyOptimism; 04-29-2015 at 02:41 PM.
Reason: Edited for clarity & typos
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