Hello all,
We’re just about ready to start our pool build and I’m looking for a little help with an automatic pool cleaner. So far, I have looked into three different cleaners. All have very good reviews on various boards on the internet, and I'm hoping someone here will have experience with any of them or maybe a recommendation for another.
Our builder is recommending the Pentair Kreepy Krauly 830, but the big drawback for me is the weight, 45lbs. Can’t imagine trying to pull that out of the water with it being full. But, from what I’ve read, it’s one of the best.
The second cleaner I’ve looked into would be the Maytronics Dolphin Supreme M5. Much better in weight, 21lbs, but I’m finding it a little more difficult to locate. It compares well to the Kreepy.
The third I’m considering is the Polaris Sport 9550. Wow. Cool looking , but reviews aren’t as good as the other two. Lightest of the 3 but I’m not sure I want to worry about it “turtling” as I’ve read on a few reviews. “Turtling” meaning flipping over on it’s back. But it looks really awesome.
Two flow about 4233 gph with the Polaris a few more gallons than the others…but close enough to call it even. All claim to be able to climb and clean at the waterline and are tangle proof.
Any input would be welcome. If anyone has another recommendation, I would love that too. We’re not putting a pressure side pump in to save on cost and energy, and I’m not really thrilled with suction side cleanser as we’ve had one on a previous pool we’ve owned many moons ago.
Thank you for any comments.