Goodnight Pool
Good night, summer. Good night, pool.
Good night, kids are back at school.
Good night, slide and diving board.
Good night, equipment, all is stored.
Good night, drops kit. Good night, bleach.
Good night, FC goal to reach.
Good night, floaties. Good night, toys.
Good night, warmth in Illinois!
Good night, peaceful summer eves.
Good night, skimmer full of leaves.
Good night, beer beneath the moon.
Good night, summer. Come back soon!!!
Last shot before closing
sorry it's fuzzy
Thank you to Ben, Lisa, Carl, Dave, and Richard for an outstanding season. You are the best!!!
26K gal 20x40 rectangular IG vinyl pool; Apr 2014: New pump, liner, auto-cover, & water; Pentair Whisperflo 1HP pump; Pentair Trition sand filter; Cover/Star CS-500 auto cover; Taylor K-2006C; OTO