Re: Goodnight Pool
Closing the pool...what's that??? 
Actually, I was just thinking the other day I kind of wish I could close my pool as it would take one thing off the daily To Do list. Problem here is that the pool water is only cold enough for closing for maybe two or three months (Dec-Feb) and even then we can get some warm days. So even if one did "close" the pool, an algae bloom would be a near certainty.
I wonder if those of you that go through the Open/Close ritual ever wish you could just let the pool run all year round?
Great picture by the way and I love the riff on "Good Night, Moon" (a book my kids all loved)!!!
16k gal IG gunite PebbleTec (Caribbean Blue), 18' x 36' free form with raised spa/spillway and separate rock waterfall. All Pentair Equipment pad - 3HP IntelliFlo VS / 1.5HP WhisperFlo, MasterTemp 400k BTU/hr heater, QuadDE-100 filter, IC40 SWCG, IntelliTouch/EasyTouch Controls