After having a pool service first month of our new pool, I am now doing pool myself. Pool service backwashed every week, so I thought I should also. Realize now that's not needed. My pool is IG, PeebleTec, 12,000, with 2.5 hp pump. (Need it for water features.) It is well balanced (ben's kit) and spotless.

I backwashed my Hayward DE6020 last night. (first time for me)

Turned off pump, turn value to backwash, backwashed until eyeglass was clear. Turned off pump, set back on filter ran filter 15 seconds, repeated backwash again.

Then added DE through skimmer. (Maybe dump it to quickly)

My pressure now is a little higher than it was prior to backwashing. Not real high, just higher. (It is now about 16, was 13) It does go lower when I turn on one or both water features.

From what I read on the forum it sounds like the pressure will be higher if you do not add enough DE to filter, but I've also read NOT to add all that is called for since even backwashing does leave a fair amount of DE in the filter.

On the same note, can adding to much DE be a problem. (I did not see any DE coming through the returns.

Also, some folks say add it slowing to the skimmer, but I've also read to dump in the skimmer as fast as it can take it. Other recommend adding DE to a 5 gallon bucket of water and adding to skimmer.

So... any ideas why pressure is higher now and or any other comments. I have plenty of DE so I can backwash again today and start over.

Sorry if this seems like a silly question, but I am still in my learning phase with the new pool.


W. Bell
Oviedo, FL