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Thread: Plaster is like Sandpaper

  1. #21
    chem geek is offline PF Supporter Whibble Konker chem geek 4 stars chem geek 4 stars chem geek 4 stars chem geek 4 stars
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    Default Re: Plaster is like Sandpaper

    You can add borates by adding a combination (added separately in split doses) of borax and acid or you can buy boric acid and add that instead.
    15.5'x32' rectangle 16K gal IG concrete pool; 12.5% chlorinating liquid by hand; Jandy CL340 cartridge filter; Pentair Intelliflo VF pump; 8hrs; Taylor K-2006 and TFTestkits TF-100; utility water; summer: automatic; winter: automatic; ; PF:7.5

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Jul 2014

    Default Re: Plaster is like Sandpaper

    To all of the Pool Forum experts:

    I want to give you all a big thank you. For the first time this year I feel like I finally have my pool water where it needs to be and more or less trouble free. Besides the eroded plaster, my big issue was the pH rising constantly. The pH still rises and I still have to add acid but by following everyone's advice on this forum the frequency of adding acid has been reduced by about 2/3rds. The plaster I will deal with at a later date.

    The advice from Chem Geek to raise my CH to 500 and to lower my TA to 60 is contrary to what I would have heard from any pool store or any swimming pool publications, but that is what my pool needed.

    My first post on this forum was almost 2 months ago. If there is any bit of advice I can give to new subscribers it would be to have patience and to do exactly what you are told to do by the people who are trying to help you. There is no magic bullet. It takes time, patience, and persistence. With everything I have learned about my pool this year I am confident that I will have no trouble maintaining my pool in the future.

    Happy Swimming!
    25k gal 22 x 34 concrete free-form (oval) IG pool; city water; SWCG, Jandy CV460 cartridge, Jandy SHPF pump, 12hr, bubbler. PF=4.8

  3. #23
    Watermom's Avatar
    Watermom is offline SuperMod Emeritus Quark Inspector Watermom 4 stars Watermom 4 stars Watermom 4 stars Watermom 4 stars Watermom 4 stars Watermom 4 stars
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