Please try not to double post and especially try not to start two threads with the same post. I have deleted the other one of them. If you have done so inadvertently , either PM one of us (PoolDoc, Poconos, Watermom, Aylad or me) or add another post to the thread asking us to remove it.
On to the robotics: I have the Dolphin Dynamic--I got it because the warranty at the time was the longest (3 years). At first the bags were a super-pain and messy, but now they are really easy since I figured out the following routine. I take a five-gallon bucket of pool water, dip the bag in, turn it inside out and squish it a few times until the water is opaque. Then I dump the water (NOT back into the pool..) and repeat. Most of the dirt is now gone, and then I toss it in the washing machine, or let it dry until another bag is dirty, then wash two. Don't put them in the dryer. Simple! The Dolphin rarely leaves any debris, other than at spring opening when I have to run it 4 times to get the pool clean, so I am VERY happy with it. It doesn't have that one hour cycle, which is nice, but I'll run it overnight or in the morning when everyone is going off for the day.
Your Tiger Shark doesn't bring you beer and rum&coke? I'd have it checked if I were you---All the others do that as a matter of course!