The starting point is finding out what's in your well water. Well water from limestone strata is ideal for pools; water from shale strata is often a nightmare. It is possible to operate a pool successfully with heavily contaminated water; I've done so on large commercial pools. But it's tricky, and some staining is inevitable.

The first step is to determine whether your well water is a problem or not. Do the metals bucket test =>

If it is a problem, and if you have the space, you may want to get a 5,000 - 10,000 Intex pool that you can use to pre-treat the water for your IG pool. Trying to treat metal contaminated water once it's IN your pool is a mess. Trying to treat it in a separate pool, dedicated to that purpose, is much, much easier.

I assume your registration address is NOT your new pool's address? (I just looked up your registation, and Googled the address). Otherwise, I'd recommend filling with surface water, which is almost always metal free. You just have to add enough chlorine to make sure the algae and critters die quickly.