I have the same heater... Checked the manual and I didn't see any numerical error codes. Not sure what the "22" is. The manual does have troubleshooting info though. Might want to start there.
It's been a little touchy lately, but now when I turn on the heater, I just get a click at 5 seconds, and a faint smell of gas. My guess is that the igniter is not working. I don't remember if it should click frequently to ignite, but it isn't. When I turn it on, it says RP 22, then 5 seconds later it clicks, and says SPK 22.
I'm thinking the RP is Raypak, and the SPK is spark, and maybe the 22 is a code?
plaster 20k gal kidney shaped swimming pool with spa Hayward Vac, Nautilus DE filter, Raypak RP2100 gas heater.
I have the same heater... Checked the manual and I didn't see any numerical error codes. Not sure what the "22" is. The manual does have troubleshooting info though. Might want to start there.
-Eric B. 16x32 rect 14,364 gal AG (Intex Ultra Frame); 14 in sand filter; 1 HP 2800 GPH pump; 8 hrs; Taylor K-2006c, utility water, debris cover
@Best Guess chart http://pool9.net/cl-cya @K2006 http://pool9.net/testkits