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Thread: Calcium Hardness increasing (just curious)

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2014

    Thumbs up Calcium Hardness increasing (just curious)

    We had a monsoon that flooded our pool, so it took a couple days to get it back in order. I have been taking daily readings and noted that CH test increases every day.
    here are the last three tests
    Taylor k-2005 with K1515
    CL 12 8.5 5.4 (I have my SWCG off lowering CL as I superchlored it right after the monsoon)
    PH 7.4 7.4 7.4
    ALK 90 90 80 (played with jets to aerate (sp?) pool)
    CH 200 225 250
    CYA 80 NT NT
    SALT 3000 3000 3000
    I know that CH should be between 200-400 for plaster. Just wondering what would make it creep up, i have not added any water since the monsoon, before the monsoon CH was 290.
    13.5k gal IG pool with SWCG and intelliPH

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Calcium Hardness increasing (just curious)

    I'm not sure why your CH is creeping up. Maybe Ben will have an idea or maybe it is just a testing issue.

    I just wanted to comment on one other thing. Don't use your SWCG to superchlorinate. That just shortens the cell life. Any time you need to shock, just use bleach and save the wear and tear on your cell.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2014

    Default Re: Calcium Hardness increasing (just curious)

    Quote Originally Posted by Watermom View Post
    I'm not sure why your CH is creeping up. Maybe Ben will have an idea or maybe it is just a testing issue.

    I just wanted to comment on one other thing. Don't use your SWCG to superchlorinate. That just shortens the cell life. Any time you need to shock, just use bleach and save the wear and tear on your cell.
    Thanks for the info, I haven't really done the bleach thing, haven't read up on it enough yet. I know there is a lot of information regarding the bleach on this site.
    13.5k gal IG pool with SWCG and intelliPH

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