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Thread: Cloudy Water

  1. #1
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    Oswego, NY

    Default Cloudy Water

    Little bit of algae when I opened. 0 CYA. Shocked, vacuumed, brushed. Ran filter 24 hours for several days while vacuuming and brushing. Put in 9 lbs of stabilizer over 2 days got up to 40-50, directions said right in skimmer(small granular pieces) Dumped in 15 gallons of 12% chlorine over the course of a few days. Checked the Chlorine a few days later at dusk, held overnight, with no loss at all.

    Pool was blue but very cloudy. Vacuumed again and noticed when I went over the dead algae in heavier spots, as soon as I did I saw it come right out of the return. Thought sand must be going bad, 5 years old. Changed the Sand in the filter, that was fun, NOT. Maybe the particles were to small and the sand was good but hey now I have new sand.

    Still cloudy but getting better after more than a week. Could the stabilizer I dumped in all at once over 2 days be the cause? I do see on the shallow end floor white powder in spots and they come back everyday after I vacuum.

    Put a stocking on one of the skimmers to help and it does seem to be getting better but taking FOREVER! Still can't really see the deep end floor. Any thoughts? Taylor kit by the way, everything seems fine chemical wise, CYA needs to be higher but didn't want to dump it in and cloud it up again if that was the problem. Salt system if you are wondering, and no it was off during the whole shock time.
    22'x44' Mountain Lake 24K gal IG pool; SWCG; Ultimate Granular Filtration Millennium sand filter; Waterway 56-Frame Champion with Century Centurion 1.5hp motor pump; 12hrs; Just bought the 6-way from walmart and have the 2006c coming; utility water ; summer: ; winter: ; ; PF:5

  2. #2
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  3. #3
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    Default Re: Cloudy Water

    FC 4
    CC 0
    pH 7.4
    Alk 70 ppm
    Calc Hardness 80 ppm
    CYA 45-50

    Pools in NY, Vinyl, Sun all day long from 8am-8pm, Salt System, Sand Filter w/ new sand.
    22'x44' Mountain Lake 24K gal IG pool; SWCG; Ultimate Granular Filtration Millennium sand filter; Waterway 56-Frame Champion with Century Centurion 1.5hp motor pump; 12hrs; Just bought the 6-way from walmart and have the 2006c coming; utility water ; summer: ; winter: ; ; PF:5

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    Default Re: Cloudy Water

    Buy the smallest bag of DE that you can. Add a handful to the skimmer while the pump is running and watch the returns. If you see white powder shooting back out of the return, your filter is not working and needs to be repaired.


  5. #5
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    Default Re: Cloudy Water

    What would be wrong with the filter? I just had it all apart and inspected everything. I took out the center piece after taking all of the laterals off. Cleaned everyone in water to inspect for cracks. Rinsed filter and got every last bit of sand out, then filled half of water put the internals back in and started adding 350 lbs of pool sand. Backwashed and rinsed and have been filtering since last week. Not sure what else would be wrong with the filter.
    22'x44' Mountain Lake 24K gal IG pool; SWCG; Ultimate Granular Filtration Millennium sand filter; Waterway 56-Frame Champion with Century Centurion 1.5hp motor pump; 12hrs; Just bought the 6-way from walmart and have the 2006c coming; utility water ; summer: ; winter: ; ; PF:5

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    Default Re: Cloudy Water

    Quote Originally Posted by bmlocal175 View Post

    Vacuumed again and noticed when I went over the dead algae in heavier spots, as soon as I did I saw it come right out of the return.
    This statement is what made me question whether or not your filter is working properly. Debris should not come back out through the returns.

    Do you know how big your sand filter is? (How many lbs. of sand it holds?) Sometimes when your pump is way too big for your filter, it just forces debris through. In the case of algae, sometimes if it is forced through it breaks apart into extremely small particles that are difficult to filter out.

  7. #7
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    Default Re: Cloudy Water

    It's a 27" Waterway Millennium. Called the Pool store where I bought the pool and they said 350 lbs. so 7 50# bags later here we are. I've had the same setup since we bought the pool 5 years ago. Don't remember going through all this the first year or two but the last few it has taken forever to clear up, that's why i thought the sand was bad and changed it. I had the same problem last year, it took weeks and weeks to clear up but when it finally did, the water was crystal clear for the whole summer. I guess I will call the store and see if they carry DE, anything else I can use to do the test if they don't have any?
    22'x44' Mountain Lake 24K gal IG pool; SWCG; Ultimate Granular Filtration Millennium sand filter; Waterway 56-Frame Champion with Century Centurion 1.5hp motor pump; 12hrs; Just bought the 6-way from walmart and have the 2006c coming; utility water ; summer: ; winter: ; ; PF:5

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    Default Re: Cloudy Water

    That's a nice big filter which is good. Your pool store should definitely have DE. DE is the media used in DE pool filters which are common so I can't imagine that they wouldn't have it.

    Let us know how the DE test goes.

    (By the way just for future reference, sand doesn't really wear out or need replaced. Many of us have the same sand for years and years and years. It occasionally needs topped off but doesn't actually need replaced. (Unless you convert from Baquacil to chlorine or something like that because Baquagoop really gums up the sand.)

    EDIT --- Why don't you update your signature and add your filter capacity of 350 lbs.. You can click on the link in my signature to do so.)

  9. #9
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    Default Re: Cloudy Water

    I went out and stopped the pump and just pushed down on the filter handle. The handle on top where you move it to backwash, rinse etc. Without moving it off of filter all the water in the pump went down somewhere. Is this normal?

    Was on hold with the pool store forever and hung up eventually. While I was waiting I took a pinch of dirt and debris from the wife's garden and through it in the skimmer. Didn't notice any dirt flying out but twice saw some little pieces of debris come out.

    Was reading about the filter top, maybe a bad gasket or something. Don't know anything about it and will have to probably have someone come look at it.
    22'x44' Mountain Lake 24K gal IG pool; SWCG; Ultimate Granular Filtration Millennium sand filter; Waterway 56-Frame Champion with Century Centurion 1.5hp motor pump; 12hrs; Just bought the 6-way from walmart and have the 2006c coming; utility water ; summer: ; winter: ; ; PF:5

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    Default Re: Cloudy Water

    I am not the pump/filter expert around here. I'm going to have someone else chime in here and see if they can offer you any additional advice.

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